Generator to Alternator conversion.....

Discussion in 'Classic Buicks' started by ja5957, Feb 3, 2010.

  1. ja5957

    ja5957 JA5957

    I have a '55 Buick Roadmaster and just converted the Generator to Alternator but after i have done that the car will not push gas to start anymore anyone have any ideas why ...if so is there any way to get that fixed .....Thanks
  2. 64Electra

    64Electra Alex BCA# 44430

    put the gen back on and see what happens...
    and Don't throw the generator away!!
    No one offered anything, thought I would.

    Why the switch anyway? Problems?
  3. buford27

    buford27 '57 Special

  4. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    Chances are the wire from the start switch to the solenoid was disconnected during the conversion because the guy who converted it couldn't figure a reason why a wire should be going to the carb. The start circuit should be the same, it's only the charging circuit that gets changed around.
  5. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    I'll go along with Alex, why the switch? Those old Delco-Remy 12V generators are super reliable. My Piper Comanche (built in 1956) has one; it's never caused any trouble at all. I never converted the airplane to an alternator because I'm not sure that I can match the reliability of the DC generator.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2010
  6. mcmurray76

    mcmurray76 Member

    "push gas" to what are you reffering? Is the fuel pump not working?
  7. m.kozlowski

    m.kozlowski Well-Known Member

    Engine starts when accelerator pedal is depressed to the floor. One nifty feature :)

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