Gas gauge not working....

Discussion in 'Classic Buicks' started by Lebowski, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. Lebowski

    Lebowski Mark it 8, Dude...

    I've fixed some other things on my '56 Buick so now I'd like to see if I can get the gas gauge working. I filled the tank yesterday and the 19 gallon tank took 17.3 gallons so that's cutting it a little closer than I would like. I replaced the gasket for the sending unit earlier this year because it was leaking and the sending unit looked fairly new. When I turn on the ignition the gauge goes from below empty to E so I assume that means it's getting power. There's a ground wire from the tank to the frame so it should be grounded but when I removed the ground wire the gauge still went from below empty to E when I turned on the ignition. I was hoping there may be a simple solution to this problem without having to remove the tank again. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance....

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