FYI : Edelbrock Buick Aluminum Head

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Greg Gessler, Mar 8, 2007.


    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    Greg, just wondering where the oil would leak to? If later heads the oil passages aren't there, right? Does it leak into the valley area?
  2. 69GSCAL

    69GSCAL Well-Known Member

    I don't own any of these heads, but I'd assume the 07710 refers to the Julian calendar. In other words, the 77th day of 2010. That'd be March 18th 2010.
  3. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    That actually makes alot more sense. I was trying to figure it out since it was only five digits, and the julian calender never occured to me. Thanks for the insight!! Either way, it appears these castings are long past the original flawed ones so they should be good. Gives me warm fuzzies.....:grin:
  4. NitrousJim

    NitrousJim James L. Howard

    Never thought about that dating system either! But, I'm still good, but just by a few days!
    This will make your hair turn gray! LOL

    Thanks for the input everyone.... Jim
  5. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    Looking forward to hearing more about your progress!


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