Future Nailhead Project........

Discussion in ''Da Nailhead' started by 425regal, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. 425regal

    425regal Well-Known Member

    We're thinking about taking a 95 2-dr Skylark, and putting a 425 with a dynoflow. Anybody ever done this, it probably needs some sorta frame. Maybe a tube chassis or somethin. Just somethin were thinking about. I bet that would be a fast car. Stang Stangler for sure. Donny
  2. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    ive seen focus turned rwd and had a 351 dropped in it it require a custom built frame and a lot of fabbing

    i wouldnt use a dynaflow behind it id use a t56 that would be one very fast car
  3. doc

    doc Well-Known Member


    I would build a sub frame, and use a Automatic trans probably a s/p th 400 or just a th400. I say that because the car is going to squirm around and you probably would get better times by not having to shift a manual trans. The auto would be steady pouring the power to the pavement. :Brow: you would have to set the rear axel up to handel the torque. In fact the best way to go probably would be to build a full length frame and set the body on it. You would need to build some good brakes to stop the beast. :laugh:

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