Fuel tank replacement 1966 Buick Sportwagon

Discussion in 'Chassis restoration' started by Rocker Box, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. Rocker Box

    Rocker Box New Member

    My 1966 Buick Sportwagon fuel tank needs replacement and I can't find a tank for the wag anywhere. Will the tank out of the same year sedan work? I've checked out pix online and they look similar except the fill tube for the sedan is located in the center (for a behind the license plate gas cap?) instead of on the driver side like the wag. I'm prepared to swap the wag over to a center mounted fill tube and modify/swap out the bumper for a sedan bumper if need be. Has anyone replaced the tank in a wag with the sedan tank, and are there any gotchas?
  2. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Probably need custom tank (Re: Fuel tank 1966 Sportwagon)

    Dear Rocker Box,

    Hopefully someone who has actually taken the plunge can answer your question better than me, but I've researched replacement tanks for a 65 Buick Special wagon and come up empty handed. A number of vendors have the gas tank for the sedan and explicitly say it won't fit in the wagon. So I assume if you need to replace the tank, you'll have to one custom made. Apparently, this is a common practice and not much more expensive than a stock tank, but still, it'll cost ya' :dollar:

    If you aren't keeping the wagon as a concourse restoration, you might at least consider having a larger custom tank made. That would make stops at the gas pump less frequent (if more painful . . . :rant:) Still, having a greater range might make the wagon more fun. :3gears:

    Good luck with this :TU:, I'll be interested to learn how your efforts turn out.

    Cheers, Edouard :beer
  3. kcombs

    kcombs Well-Known Member

    I would guess that an El Camino tank would fit. Differences would probably be with the connections, fuel lines, gauge. etc. I can get you a shot of an Elky tank later, but my MediaComm is down and I have to go to McDonald's to connect to the internet, so it might be awhile.... tomorrow. Let me know if you want a pic of an Elky tank.
  4. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Have a service rebuild your old tank.
  5. Rocker Box

    Rocker Box New Member

    Thanks for the quick responses, you guys are the best.

    I'll look into the cost, time required, and perceived difficulty of the options and let you know which way I decide to go.

    kcombs: Thanks for the offer of the elky tank pix. It sounds like a bit of trouble for ya though, so I checked the net and found some pix there, but still thanks. I had a '77 elky Classic with Corvette rims, sure do miss it.
  6. DansGS

    DansGS Well-Known Member

    I've got one in a '67 Sport Wagon. Will that work??
  7. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

  8. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Very interesting! (Re: Fuel tank 1966 Buick wagon)

    Dear Andrew,

    Thanks so much for the reference! I've added this one to my bookmarks.

    Still, I've gotta ask . . . does anyone know what are the compatibility issues between Chebby and Buick gas tanks? Are they 100% interchangeable? Minor shuffling?

    No matter what, this looks like a workable solution. Still, I would be interested to know what differences might exist in advance. That would help me plan . . . . after all sometimes plans do work out!!

    Cheers, Edouard :beer

    P.S. Although when it comes to restoring classic cars, it seems that no amount of planning is enough!! :Do No:
  9. kcombs

    kcombs Well-Known Member

    I have a 65 El Camiino body sitting on a 65 Skylark GS frame, which is a direct bolt on. The gas tank has to be out of an El Camino because it has the side inlet for fueling and all sedans fuel under the rear license plate. I would be surprised if the Elky tank wasn't a direct bolt in.

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