Found my Buildsheet... where I would have never expected it

Discussion in 'The "Paper Trail"' started by BamaWildcat, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. Found my broadcast sheet... where I would have never expected it

    Happy Day! On this my Birthday, my Wildcat gave me a gift.

    I've searched every inch of the back seat of my Brown Wildcat (the one I am fixing up) and could not find the Build Sheet for it.

    Today, I open the back passenger door, roll the window down to get some fresh air in the car, and then crawl over the seat to reach the driver side rear window to roll it down. On my way over, I catch a glimpse of a piece of paper in the rear of my front seat :shock: through a four inch long rip that has been in the car since it has been in my life (24+ years).

    I carefully pull out the paper, and then begin celebrating. :beer

    I've been on the paper trail, and I have traced my Wildcat from it's first owner to it's last over four states. The only parts I were missing were original selling dealership (which I now have) and a five year gap in records courtesy of the Wisconsin Historic Association.

    So Woo hoo! Happy birthday to me!!!!!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 20, 2006
  2. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday Joe - nice find :beer
  3. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

    Have a Happy Brithday Joe! Glad you found it :TU: :beer
  4. derek244

    derek244 Gold Level Contributor


    I found mine too! It's just that it was for the wrong car, and stuffed under MY gas tank! :rant:
  5. Keith Seymore

    Keith Seymore Well-Known Member

    Congratulations -

    I have never found a build sheet in either of my original owner cars ('65 GTO built in Pontiac or '74 Chevelle built in Oshawa).

    Good for you!

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