Ford 9" is in. Question on axle seals.

Discussion in 'Got gears?' started by iacovoni, Aug 22, 2006.

  1. iacovoni

    iacovoni The Buick.

    Well finally got the housing in and bolted up, modified the GM backing plates and drums to work on the rear. However, I did not leave enough room on the ends for the axle seals (too thick on where they would seat). The moser axles have a sealed bearing, anyone ever use Black "Goop" to act as a seal on there axles? Sounds wrong, but I have heard of this being done. Lookin' for options.

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  2. 86regalwith455

    86regalwith455 Well-Known Member

    I have a Moser 9" with STRANGE axles In the Regal, I have not used anything in that area as sealer, havent had any leaks.

  3. iacovoni

    iacovoni The Buick.

    Found problem

    Found out the collars that are pressed on the axle were too big. I lathed them down to "normal" size, axle seal fit great with no leaks now. I have a question for ya. You ever have the gear oil in the housing leak throught the actual bolts that hold the pig in. The whole housing is leak free, it just seems as though fluid has found its way through the threads on the housing bolts, builds up on the tips and then leaks. I am talking barely noticable but leaking. Do you use thread lock or RTV to stop this, or should I have done that when I inserted the knerls in the housing?

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