Flue shot thing............

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Buick_350X, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Flue shot thing............

    So whats the big deal???

    The news seam to be all over this more then the election stuff. Trying to tell people not to panic as they start a panic.

    I am just tired of hearing about it. Let it drop and people will forget about it.
    But the constant news of not enough supply is starting the panic, they say they are trying to stop.

    Seam like the back azzwards way to do thing.
    start a panic, by trying to stop one.
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    People being unfamliar with the historical fact that more have been killed in one outbreak (1918) than in WWI (20-40 million) is why it is a big deal. It is so much more serious than you think.

  3. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    but isn't it true that there is no cure? The shot only helps you deal with it better. The virus it selfs get stronger as it changes n mutates to deal with the shots.

    A shot of penicillin use to cure lots of things. But they just got stronger and now it doesn't work.
  4. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Immunization is the operative word meaning it keeps you from contracting the strain(s) projected for the season. Similarly, you and I took polio, smallpox etc immunizations. These can kill too. Flu mutuates but we project the new strains and immnunize on a year by year basis accordingly. People have forgotten history. Some strains of the flu are not like catching a cold ---they terminate the infected human. It is widley believe we are due one of the deadly strain outbreaks ---perhaps this season. If it occurs it will bring this country to a grinding hault.
  5. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    On the news the other night, they said some hospital destroyed 150k flu shots for some odd reason. If you can't get one, stay away from large groups of people and take in alot of vitamin c.

    NOTNSS Gold Level Contributor

    After two or 3 straight years of getting flu shots and getting pretty ill within days I've given up on the shots. At 52 I'm pretty healthy so am not at all worried.
  7. my3buicks

    my3buicks Guest


    I got a flu shot last year for the first time in my life, and I ended up getting the flu a month later and spent Dec 24-27 sick (I thought for sure I was dieing) in bed - totally missed Chrsitmas. So I got another strain that the shot didn't cover
  8. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    I look to get a flu shot if I can. I never used to, then I got the flu 3 years ago. It is unlike any cold, you know that as soon as you get it. It comes upon you much quicker, you feel like you've been run over by Buick. I had 102 fever for 5 days straight, out of work for 2 full weeks, and didn't feel right for a month. Got a flu shot every year since. Guess I'm out of luck this year. Just have to be vigilant about washing my hands, and hope. The flu is no joke. Anyone who gets it realizes that real quick. The flu can easily kill someone with respiratory problems like emphysema, or asthma.
  9. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    The worst thing I've ever gotten was food poisoning. The whole "throwing up every 8 minutes for 3 days" thing never went well with me.
  10. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    Same thing here. Every Christmas season for the last three years I get it.
  11. Beamer

    Beamer Suncoupes Rule !!!

    As far as the flu shot goes... Every year, scientist and doctors study and, GET THIS - GUESS AT WHICH STRAIN OF FLU VIRUS WILL HIT THE POPULATION for the upcoming year. Yes this is true. They pick some 3 strains that they feel it will on of them that hits. And I believe they missed last year, that the shot given last year was not help for the strain that hit.

    Now they used to actually give you a very small dose of that strain to build your immunity, but I understand that it is different these days. The best cure or preventative medicine is to stay away from unhealthy people, wash your hands and have a proper diet to help your body defend itself.


  12. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    I usually get some sort of throat infection that keeps me from swallowing food without screaming in pain.

    The flu has never been a problem for me (knocks on wood)
  13. I haven't had the flu since 92. I make a point to get some regular exercise, get plenty of sleep, and drink a lot of water. Granted, those are good habits to be in anyway but I think it's a large part of the reason I don't get sick.
  14. David G

    David G de-modded....

    I don't remember the last time I had the REAL flu. Maybe 20+ yrs ago? Many people think they have the flu, when it is only a stomach virus or bad cold. "Flu" seems to be an easy way to explain what ails you. I had never had a flu shot until about 5-6 yrs ago, when I decided it would be a good idea to protect myself so I wouldn't maybe pass it on to my little girl. I've never gotten sick as a result of the shot, and the current vaccine is strictly comprised of the dead virus, so it can't actually give you the flu. BTW, you are not protected immediately after the shot, I believe it is 2-3 weeks afterward before you have some immunity. I'm not getting a shot this year, as I'm not in any higher risk group. We've had them administered here at work, but cancelled it this year. My pregnant wife was initially considered to be in a higher risk group, but lately pregnancy doesn't seem to be included in the list of factors.

    Most typical people who do contract the virus, are not at risk of death. It is the very old, very young, and generally less-healthy immune deficient individuals that are at greatest risk of serious complications from the flu.

    Mfgrs do indeed guess which strains to protect against each year. There's no other way to do it. The vaccine production process is a lengthy one, and it would be too late to do any good, to wait until the flu strikes, to start production. The season would already be over before shots were ready.
  15. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    My two daughters (5 & 3) just got over the flu... NOt bad for them, but they gave it to the wife (She is worse off then they were)... She has had it for 4 days now... fever up to 103, vomiting constantly (eewwww). This is the first time she has had the Flu in 10yrs. Miserable disease.
  16. Nicholas Sloop

    Nicholas Sloop '08 GS Nats BSA runner up

    Yes, it is true that they have to "guess" what the next year's strain will be, but the CDC makes the decision, not any of the manufacturers, based on some pretty intensive research into the strains found worldwide the previous year.

    Public Health Advisor
    Centers for Disease Control :Smarty:

    BF2KNIGHT Buickless for now

    That would be me. I'm in a high risk group but still can't get the flu shot. Other than a compromised immune system due to Lupus, I'm healthy. I hope I get lucky this year. I guess this winter I become a hermit :laugh:
  18. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    I was surprised to learn that the President is in charge of flu shots.

    In years past when the vaccine was plentiful health providers pleaded with people to get the shots, but would have had to drag them kicking and screaming to get one.
    Now, as soon as it was announced that supplies are short, people are standing in line outside in the cold to get one.
    The media, and thier "The sky is falling!" take on everything.

    I asked my 85 year old Mother if she was able to get one, and she said her clinic still hadn't receved a shipment as of Monday when she last visited.
    I think I am more concerned about that than she is.
    (Her generation has been through a lot worse!)

    We could do a lot in this country to combat the flu if people would just practice good hygiene.

  19. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Major DITTOs. Got food poisoning once and I describe it like someone has your man hood in a pair of pliers. But if that isn't bad enough, every few mins they squeeze real hard. Over n over for hrs.

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