floor shifter?

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by actionhank99, Jun 19, 2005.

  1. actionhank99

    actionhank99 English guy with a Buick!

    did the centurion ever come with a floor shifter and or buckets as an option? also would the buckets and console from say a riviera fit?
  2. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    Never an option...but I would venture to guess that you could retro-fit the Riv console and buckets if you really wanted to.
  3. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    ....and that would be cool!
  4. actionhank99

    actionhank99 English guy with a Buick!

    should be dimensionally the same right?
  5. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    yes...I imagine. Since there are some fairly substantial interior components that are interchangeable:Do No:

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