Fleeing The Scene!!!!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by GoldBoattail455, Oct 16, 2004.

  1. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

    Heres the story. About ten minutes ago i came back from a bike shop. While walking out of my garage i hear cars skidding and alot of skreetching. Then smash! As i jog towards the end of the driveway i see a hispanic male sprinting through the abandoned parking lot followed by a white male. As the hispanic fled into the forest the white male yelled "call the police!" And i did. Gave a full description too. Soon after the hispanic ran into the woods he emerged onto our street and continued to run through yards. I quickly saw the cops trying to gain acess to my street, and told both to go theShady lane, the next street over. A few minutes later the chief peeled out onto North Ave. (route 64) Follwed by a police officer that came onto our street.

    Turns out the suspect ran into a shed to hide, but was later found. The suspect(hispanic) was drunk, stole a car, and got into the accident. The white male was a customer at Jiffy lube about 100 yards across the street from me, they also said he was majoring in Criminal Justice. So if you see this on the news you know by which V8buick member it occured. It feels great to help capture a suspect. :grin:

    The accident looked to be more than 2 vehicles. One was a Toyota Rav 4 that had been rear ended. An infiniti suv (the one that looks like a pathfinder, and the one tht hit the Rav 4) and a gray car sideways. Also the 911 operator mentioned if he came out of a Maroon Chevy Tahoe. I saw paramedics but hopefully no one was injured badly. The police came down hard on this guy and captured him very quickly. I hate the fact people would flee the scene of an accident. To all you law inforcement workers out there. :TU: :beer
  2. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    Duke boys were an evil influence.

    fast cars
    and when you feel like you will get a raw deal.
    You run and try to evade capture until you can work it out on your own terms.

    But of course no one ever got hurt in Hazzard county.
  3. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Hey hey heeeey. Let's leave the duke boys out of this! :pp

    Nice Rob. :TU:
  4. k mccarthy

    k mccarthy Well-Known Member

    Good news though, no wrecked Buicks only generic cars! :beer
  5. sixty four 445

    sixty four 445 Well-Known Member

    not that it matters, but the lexus you are referring to would be the QX-4 i believe :Smarty:

    good job in helping out. no use in letting people like that roam free
  6. austingta

    austingta Well-Known Member

    QX4 is an Infinity...
  7. sixty four 445

    sixty four 445 Well-Known Member

    bah, i meant to say infinity....came out lexus

    and yes, i know

    lexus = high end toyota
    infinity = high end nissan

    lol :spank: :error:

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