Finally tried out tinting on the electra

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by 78ParkAvenue, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. 78ParkAvenue

    78ParkAvenue LED Interior Lighting

    Well I finally tried tinting the '76 myself and it didn't turn out too bad. If you have been scared off by those cars driving around with the purple, bubbled up tint, then think again. I have never done it before and all you really have to do is have some patients.

    I haven't done the side windows or quarters yet, but it really wasn't hard at all, just make sure you have a helper to carry the big pieces of film around with and put it onto the window. Everything else can be done by yourself.


    This is 5% tint on the rear. I don't think I will go that dark on the side windows, but maybe 20% I guess 35% is the limit around here, but 35% provides almost nothing, as factory tint is much darker.


    I guess the next thing to do is get some new window sweeps and paint the car.

    So those of you who maybe thought you shouldn't give it a try, go ahead and do it, it is pretty easy.

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