Experience with EZ Wiring??

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by rustycentury, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. rustycentury

    rustycentury Active Member

    I am thinking about re-wiring my Skylark with one of their harnesses, has anybody used one? They are super cheap and look about the same as painless, etc. www.ezwiring.com

    I'll probably be the genea pig on this one.

  2. D-Con

    D-Con Kills Rats and Mice

    I bought a streetrod wiring kit from them years ago. It was OK (wire was quality)although they must be rednecks. The hazard light fuse marker was spelled "hazzard" LOL!

    Also, their accounting dept. was a little off: they were really nice and sent it out without waiting for the check, but over 2-weeks later they said they never got it. So, I cancelled it and sent another, to which they called and wanted to know why I cancelled my check. Then, they called again and wanted to know where my check was.. not remembering the first check fiasco. I had to tell them to wait a couple more weeks before calling me again.

    Like I said, it was about 10-years ago, so they must have gotten it together since then, or they'd be gone.
  3. rustycentury

    rustycentury Active Member

    If misspelled words are the worst of it then I guess its worth saving the bucks. I'll go ahead and order it and let everyone know if I got taken or not.



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