Educational Grants...How does one go about getting them?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Brett Slater, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Guest

    The title pretty much says it all.

    I have a friend who wants to go back to school and she just called, wondering how to get grants...

    Anyone know?? Thanks!
  2. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go


    Hey Brett - Go to the internet and do a search, you'll be surprised how much information comes up!

    Look at a few options: Is she or her family in any group like teachers, accountants, police, etc. Most every profession has a membership or two that gives educational grants.

    Talk to the guidance counselor at her old high school. They maintain a list of grants and aid.

    Thats a start!

    - Bill :TU:
  3. DugsSin

    DugsSin Well-Known Member

    Congrats to your friend. That should get you started or links you could use.
    Good Luck!
  4. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Guest

    Thanks for the info!
  5. Paintworks

    Paintworks GS Restorations

    brett - you have a "friend" who...
    heard that line before.
    yea right. your looking to get money to finish your car!!! :Brow:
  6. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Guest

    I wish that was the that you mention it, that doesn't sound like a bad idea....

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