Door panel alignment

Discussion in 'Interior City' started by tubecatgs, Apr 17, 2020.

  1. tubecatgs

    tubecatgs Finally a 4 speed......

    72 Skylark, new PUI door panels.. Everything lines up nicely except the rear upper lip where the window felt is. As you can see in the first 2 pics it sticks up a bit.. no matter what i do and i can not get it to stay down and tight to the door
    Any one have this issue with new door panels and what did you do to correct it? Thanks

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  2. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    So those have the metal upper cores or plastic? Almost looks like you need to tweak that bend a little more
  3. JohnnyGS

    JohnnyGS Well-Known Member

    i have my 72 door panels to install soon. ill see if mine are the same. i would put in the sun let it warm up and tweak the bend like jason said
  4. tubecatgs

    tubecatgs Finally a 4 speed......

    Yes metal upper, i didn't think about bending them.. duh.. thanks...I will give it a shot. Thanks.. also you can see the staples on the window felts from outside the car... is this normal or do people paint them black?

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