Difference between a 231 V6 and 350 V8 distributor?

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by 84ZZ4, Nov 29, 2002.

  1. 84ZZ4

    84ZZ4 Well-Known Member

    The V6 is an even fire engine. I'm trying to de-computerize it and am wondering what's different between the 350 HEI and the 231's HEI. Is there anything different except for the pickup coil? Any reason why I couldn't disassemble the V8 distributor and install a V6 pickup coil?

    GSXMEN Got Jesus?

    Housing, shaft and gear are (I think) the same. You should be able to just swap the 'guts' from one to the other. Considering how many V-6 distributors there are out there, it might be easier to just hit the junkyard.

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