Decode help

Discussion in 'The "Paper Trail"' started by jbird76, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. jbird76

    jbird76 Well-Known Member

    I have a 67 special.

    I can't figure out the code for the interior and trim.

    tr 134-a
    w 2x
    4f 5k

  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    134 = vinyl with Light Fawn color

    The letters following are usually c for custom trim and s for standard.

    I am unfamiliar with a designation.
  3. RG67BEAST

    RG67BEAST Platinum Level Contributor

    I'm no expert but this 134a code was discussed before.
    134a Lt fawn/dove white colour. Front Bench. No armrest.
  4. dsags

    dsags Well-Known Member

    I think the others - W 2X 4F 5K - are on the lower portion of the tag and are option codes. I think W is a tinted windshield and I believe K stands for door edge guards. No ides on the others. There are many other people on this board who are better than me at option codes.
  5. jbird76

    jbird76 Well-Known Member

    Is there a place that people know of where they find out about these option codes? How do people becoms more knowledgable on these codes? Do they just read this board a lot and soak things in over time or something? :confused:

    I am surprised "w" means tinted windows since I had assumed this car had the original glass. If it really does mean that, than it gives me the excuse I need.
  6. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    i'm not aware of anything online but you can get Buick assembly manuals or something like the "Catalog of American Car ID Numbers" for the year you want to look up.
  7. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    2X would be for a 300 auto trans, 4f should be a remote mirror, no idea on the 5k.
  8. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    Chris, you are correct on the first two, and Dan is correct on the 5K being door edge guards. :TU:

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