"Day 2" Stickers

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by skierkaj, Mar 27, 2010.

  1. skierkaj

    skierkaj Day 2 Street Screamer

    Posting for all of you running stickers/decals on your cars.

    Is there some sort of way that companies can reproduce stickers with UV protection so they won't fade or wear out? I wouldn't think it would be possible to clear over them- I'm sure I'd be in a world of hurt.

    I really want to add certain period correct decals on my car after it's done but if they're going to yellow or fade out real fast, I just can't see it being worth the trouble.

    Maybe you can chime in here Guy; what did you do on the Reynold's Car?
  2. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    John, we just had to affix proper stickers on our parish trash can for pick up. I pointed out to a neighbor that after 3 weeks they are fading.

    Maybe my Graphic Design degree will pay off!!!!:grin:
  3. skierkaj

    skierkaj Day 2 Street Screamer

    Does this mean you'll print my stickers that are guaranteed to not fade? :laugh:
  4. Golden Oldie 65

    Golden Oldie 65 Well-Known Member

    Go to a graphic shop and ask them if they have any clear vinyl. I don't know what you would technically call it but if you explain to them what you hope to accomplish they will know. Perhaps you could stick the clear vinyl over the stickers and cut around the outside with an exacto knife before you stick them on. It seems like that should provide better UV protection. Just be happy you don't live in Florida. Nothing is safe from fading down here.
  5. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Hi J-Pop, Massachusetts has had a problem with a recent batch of ($29) state inspection stickers fading from red to totally white. The only thing you can read on them is the black month of expiration number.
  6. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    Hmmmmm, wonder if they were made/printed in China?????:laugh:

    I wish I had access to the proper stock, I used to ah "copy" ticketmaster tickets back in the day. Sent a lot of friends to concerts...:laugh: :Dou:
  7. 1100kaw

    1100kaw Well-Known Member

    Have a local body shop clear them for you before you install. A couple coats of good Urethane clear coat will protect them. And will still remain flexible enough to install them with out cracking. I'm a body man /painter. I do RV's for a dealer ship. I am constantly painting over Vinyl. I sometimes have to blend into Vinyl graphics cause the orig. stripes/graphics aren't availible. I've never had a problem. If you know anyone in a body shop, I bet if you laid them out on a peice of cardboard, they would prob. shoot them when they are doing a job. Every job has waste. Prob wouldnt even charge you. I know I wouldn't.
  8. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

    Reynolds car has some repo's and some orgininal's. But this car doesn't see light all too often and stays in a climate controlled garage. (sad, i know)

    I don't see it being a big problem:Do No:
    The repo's seem to have a coating on them and the Kennedy-Bell repo's I had made are made of something that defiantly won't fade.

    the candy bars are a big hit with the customers!

    When they get a candy bar they take a dollar....right??
  9. skierkaj

    skierkaj Day 2 Street Screamer

    Do you still have some of the "Kennedy-Bell" ones, or the "Kenne-Bell" ones? Assuming the former would be correct for late '69 early '70, I might eventually need a pair.

    The candy bars: no, they're supposed to eat the dollar and put the candy-bar in their wallet. :laugh:
  10. kenm455

    kenm455 Gold Level Contributor

    you could go to your local body shop supply house & try Venture Shield or
    3M Stone Guard.
    don't know how it would work on decals but we install it here for protection
    from stone chips on front facia (bumper cover) & hood edges.
  11. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

    hmmm, that is actually a very good idea for old original decals.
    I've used the 3M stuff for edges ect.
  12. skierkaj

    skierkaj Day 2 Street Screamer

    P.S. Tell your old lady I said happy birthday, but you can leave out the "old lady" part :laugh:

    I stopped in yesterday to check on the candy bar situation, and you were out searching for a present . . . dare I ask what that was? :bla: :laugh:
  13. kenm455

    kenm455 Gold Level Contributor

    a few of the guys here have used the Venture Shield to protect the screen
    of thier cell phones,etc.

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