Dash pads for 65 GS, available?

Discussion in 'Interior City' started by GSJohn, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. GSJohn

    GSJohn BUICK is a beauty too!!

    Wondering if there is a replacement dash pad available for the 65 Skylark/GS?
    Thanks for your help.
  2. getnbye

    getnbye 65GS.COM

    65 Dash Pad

    I'm not aware of anyone out there offering new 65 dash pads aftermarket. They come up on ebay often and typically never go past the $60 range in really nice condition.

    The only other option is to have them refinished by a company like http://www.justdashes.com/nav_dash.htm

  3. Skyleezy

    Skyleezy Well-Known Member

    expensive............but worth it

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