
Discussion in 'Wet behind the ears??' started by Stampy, May 17, 2004.

  1. Stampy

    Stampy Well-Known Member

    Bad news for me, gang... the parents are being all dumb, so I can't start parking the Buick over here until fall. So much for the summer of the Buick... now she just gets to sit and rust under grandma's crappy carport. AUG! Sorry, just felt like venting a little there... Until next time,

  2. RobertSchmelzer

    RobertSchmelzer The Glassman Cometh

    Parents can be that way...wait, I'm a parent.:Dou:
    Oh well. Guess I don't have to worry about kids cars yet.
    Just hope when I do they don't go for the ricer thing!!:Brow:
    Just a thought. What about a storage unit somewhere. Keep the elements off for a few months anyway.
    Good luck with your Buick:TU:
  3. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    I've confiscated my parents' garage, attic, and basement. I think they're ready for me to move out. SO AM I!! Been looking at houses for the last month....nothing good around here in my price range.
  4. my one boy is 14 and knows it all. he want a FORD thunderbird. he has his eyes on one thats been in a woods for about 20 years. when he took me out there to look at it i told him to buy it and parts it out on ebay. he about flipped. i found a little 63-4 buick special that all together and the interior is nice sitting in a yard up here and its not even rusted to bad. thats what he's getting. see us parents rule. especially when it comes to buick verses ford
  5. Stampy

    Stampy Well-Known Member

    But this is total unfairness... they're just keeping me away from my baby... Sure, I can't drive it just yet, that was thier excuse... but I could still clean each indivual wire on the wheels with a toothbrush!!! *sigh* I need a vacation. Or a Buick... maybe a Buick vacation?

  6. Freedster

    Freedster Registered User (2002)

    Don't worry, the same thing will happen when you get married. You'll end up having to justify not leaving space for HER car in the garage. :)

    - Freed
  7. JimJames

    JimJames Well-Known Member

    Hey Freed....... You got that right! And then along comes the kids and the "baby" that you had for so many of your younger years either gets sold or parked out of reach for the next 20 some odd years and the "family" winds up with a station wagon of a 4 door whatever. Moral of the story is, Don't get married. Yeah, right. Ha! Jim
  8. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    I moved out of my parents place in October of last year, and now I have to store the Riv in one of those storage places, 150 a month for a 10 by 20 space for a car that's 8 by 18

    it'll be tight

    I'm going to get good at backing in

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