Cost of Repalcing Stuts on '89 lesabre.

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by crazyjackcsa, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    Hello, I was just wondering what it would cost to take my car in and get the front struts done on an '89 lesabre. This isn't sonething I can do myself, as I don't have the tools or the space to do it. The car is pretty much on it's last legs anyway, could this be the thing that pushes it over the edge?
  2. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    s/b an hour's labour to r & r the struts. u may have to also replace the springs on the struts, also. plus a alignment. cost probably 200-300 cdn, if no problems encountered.
    check the local cdn tire in chatham.

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