corrosion in the water circle of my 401 nailhead

Discussion in ''Da Nailhead' started by Herby, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Herby

    Herby Electra '60

    Hello / I just putted my spareengine in my Buick. Now I saw that the inside of the water channels and parts like the thermostate are full of rusty dirty stuff / how can I get the
    water circle clean and how can I stop it from further corrosion? Any stuff to flush the dirt out. I am afraid of getting the dirt in my radiator...
  2. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    take the thermostat housing off,,, remove the thermostat,,,, disconnect the lower radiator hose at the radiator ,,, then stick the end of a water hose in the water manifold and turn it on full blast..... when the water coming out is clear,, you are good to go......
  3. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    . . . also remember to add some rust inhibtor, when you refill the flushed system. :TU:
  4. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    I have always liked DuPont #7 cooling system cleaner. It comes in a weird can that has a top and a bottom that open. You open the top and follow the directions, then open the bottom and do the same. One is a cleaner, the other is a neutralizer. I have been happy with the results. I would be tempted to follow Doc's procedure first.

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