core support

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by Jim Moritz, May 18, 2006.

  1. Jim Moritz

    Jim Moritz Well-Known Member

    I just stripped my core support with a wire brush down to metal (and rust pits), had to get repair kits for both sides. Can I just paint everything and then weld it back together or use a weld thru primer in the areas to be welded back together where I drilled out all the spot welds and then finish painting it.
  2. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    weld it all together first as u may need to make a few adjustments for fit. then grind, clean, prime and repaint.
  3. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Jim--You might try to get a thin coat of some type of primer over the whole support before you start doing the work. Leave the areas around where you are going to weld in bare metal. This should prevent the bare metal from rusting and it's a lot easier to clean once you are ready to paint it. Once you have the "worked over" areas done you can clean them up, hit them with primer and then clean, scuff (if necessary---grey Scotchbrite pad) and paint the whole thing.

    Some wax and grease remover on the bare metal prior to priming/painting would help also.


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