cleaning stainless

Discussion in 'Classic Buicks' started by Keithtr, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. Keithtr

    Keithtr 49 Roadmaster-aholic

    what is the best way/product to clean the stainless trim on my 49 roadmaster?

    No one say "elbow grease".. I'm already doing that :pp
  2. LAST1987GN

    LAST1987GN Well-Known Member


    I use Never Dull on all the cars, it is time consuming, so I do a bit at a time

  3. RG67BEAST

    RG67BEAST Platinum Level Contributor

    The best I've found for stainless is Eagle1 original mag and wheel aluminum polish (black can). It will make stainless shine with little effort. Or like chrome with alot of effort.
  4. justalark

    justalark Silver Level contributor

    You might want to try using 0000 steel wool first, it takes a lot of the grime off, as well as some of the scratches.
  5. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    I've used the GOJO hand cleaner (natural orange) to get off the heavy stuff it has a mild abrasive. Then the 0000 steel wool, and finished it off with Brasso.
  6. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    0000 steel wool, and a good metal polish (be careful not to scratch the finish on the paint if the chrome is still on the car).
    I use a polish called AUTOSOL, and it does a great job on chrome or stainless - I'm sure there are many other good metal polishes that will work just as well ! :TU:
  7. BillMah52

    BillMah52 Well-Known Member

    If the trim is still on the car use the blue tape to protect the paint. Make sure this is stainless and not chrome plated before using any abrasives.
    Unless you have lots of experience, do not use power tools with buffing wheels. Hand cleaning and polishing is your best bet.
    "Elbow grease." (sorry)

    SS-TRUCK Stage 1 X

    Yeh a Sargent Major would say use brasso . I bet you have recommended that to a lot of your troops .
  9. photobugz

    photobugz 1965 Skylark

    You can get Autosol at Eastwood.... works great.
  10. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    Sure do..
  11. Elf

    Elf Elf

    Autosol from Eastwood I've found to be most effective.:grin:
  12. justalark

    justalark Silver Level contributor

    TOOO many boot camp flashbacks with the smell of Brasso:Do No:
  13. Keithtr

    Keithtr 49 Roadmaster-aholic

    Thanks Guys! can you get autosol at a normal autoparts store?
  14. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    Might be able to Keith - it's getting to be more popular. 'AUTOSOL' is made in Germany. Motorcycle shops may carry it too - that's where I first discovered it, and it did a great job on aluminium, so I started using it on my Riv ! :TU:
  15. SS-TRUCK

    SS-TRUCK Stage 1 X

    My apologies to Sergeant Major for the mispell of "Sergeant" , been a looong time since I had to sign my name using Sergeant .
  16. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    Not a problem. It'll be Mr. come 1 June. I'm waiting on the orders to come in from the Department of the Army. Start all the transitioning in February. I guess 24 yrs. is enough. Besides, I've run out of "Brasso".:laugh:

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