Cleaning/Protecting Real Leather ??????

Discussion in 'Interior City' started by BA, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. BA

    BA Well-Known Member

    Anyone know of a good leather cleaner and or protector? I want something above average not armor all type stuff.


  2. 64BuickCat

    64BuickCat Geaux Tigers! L-S-U!!!

    I used to have several WW II leather flight jackets, and I used Lexol cleaner and preservative on them. Pecard's works well, too, but it's greasy. Lexol goes in and disappears. I was able to get Lexol locally. The cleaner is in an orange bottle and the preservative in a brown bottle, both shaped like small anti-freeze jugs.
  3. jm3

    jm3 Well-Known Member

    Many BMW dealers sell small bottles of Lexol at the parts counter, that you can try out. You probaly need3:1 ratio of cleaner to preservative unless your seats are really dirty. They are not overpriced by BMW either, so its worth a try to buy 2 small bottles.

  4. BA

    BA Well-Known Member

    Thanks Guys,

    I'll try it.

  5. patrick

    patrick Active Member

    I use Eagle one cleaner and Eagle One conditoner on my 1995 GMC Jimmy. My seats are very soft and still look brand new, and I do mean perfect shape. I have been using this once a month since the truck was new. The cleaner is in a spray bottle and the conditoner has to be rubbed into the seats just like lotion on a body. I know this is the normal Auto Parts cleaner, but it has worked PERFECT for me. the heat in Arkansas will kill leahter fast and mine still look good.
  6. sailbrd

    sailbrd Well-Known Member

    I use shoe polish. Kiwi wax. Then again I'm cheap. Seems to work fine.

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