Cell phones on air planes.....what do you think?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by nailheadina67, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. nailheadina67

    nailheadina67 Official Nailheader

    I think it's a very bad idea. I keep picturing my wife behind someone trying to read while she's yapping driving everybody crazy! :Dou:

    RACEBUICKS Midwest Buick Mafia

    I hope they do internet I would love to fly and sit on the board while 50K over the US!!
  3. Chris Cornett

    Chris Cornett Well-Known Member

    I agree 100%. I have flown nearly 50,000 miles this year and that would reduce my nap time a bunch.
  4. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    I am soooo sick of cell phones everywhere you go!

    Don't get me started on my cell phone tirade!
    There has to be at least one place you can be without having to put up with freaking cell phones!
    Nothing is that important that it can't wait.
    We got rid of ours 2 years ago, and you know what? We are surviving just fine!
  5. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Forget the cell phones on the airplane. You get one very loud rude lady and you have 100+ po'd people in a small place, not a good thing.
  6. custom

    custom Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind what a phone was able to communicate on the 9/11 PA flight.
    A guy was able to find out that other planes had been used for terrorist attacks and he realized what his fate and the fate of the other passengers was. Based on that those folks took actions paying with their lives but saving who knows how many others.
  7. Leviathan

    Leviathan Inmate of the Month

    They're annoying, but a cell phone has nothing on a 2-year old.

    Imagine a plane with a sleeping class, family class, and a work-only-no-talking-to-the-guy-next-to-you class. Triple the price and I'd still fly that airline exclusively...
  8. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    Why, are they thinking about allowing them? I'd prefer not. I like having an excuse not to be reachable sometimes. My favorite excuse for not being able to be on a conference call is "I'll be in an airplane."
  9. no car

    no car Well-Known Member

    I guess my time has no value like some peoples does but I get just FURIOUS when someone wastes my time with their cell phone. I think they are great to have and we use one to cut our home phone bill down. My local carrier charges $.13 a minute for local long distance so I save enough with the cell, to more than pay the bill for it. I WILL NOT use it when I am driving and if my wife calls me from the car, I have and will hang up on her. I've had a few very close calls with "multi-tasking" idiots driving on the phone!! I think even a hands free phone is going to take you mind off your task at hand which is driving!

    I've also been around some people that just gab and gab and are totally rude to those around them. I was behind a cell phone lady at the store one day and she talked on the phone the whole time she was being rung up. After she was handed he change, she decided she needed a pack of smokes. The girl behind the counter was very nice to me every day but after being totally ignored and needing to ring this customer up three times, I could tell she was a little hot. After the lady left she told me she wanted to smash that phone into her face! Not only was she caused to do extra work but now there were 5 more people in ine to be waited on because of the cell phone lady that wasted ALL of our time.

    I used to work at a hose and supply place and if someone at my counter got a cell call when I was waiting on them and didn't make it quick, I would go back to the shop and go back to what I was working on. When they would finish the call and start ringing the buzzer, you can bet I took my time getting back to the counter.

    I also have a real problem with the age when it seems people think their kids need a cell phone. Between my wife and I we have one phone, but there are KIDS in my 8 yr olds school with phones! What is WRONG with these parents! It is tough trying to raise a kid and explain that he doesn't need a phone, every video game made, and $100 shoes!!!! At that age it is MY JOB to know where he is 24/7 and it isn't going to be anywhere where he needs a phone!

    I think an airplane should have two signs on the bathroom. One that says in use and one that says on the phone. If you are in there on the phone and someone needs to use the toilet, you have to hang up and leave, or get wet!

    There is a time and a place for a cell phone and I know what they are. It is a shame that most people don't!

  10. no car

    no car Well-Known Member

    Believe me, I'm with you 100%! I have only flown once with my kids and they were very well behaved but not all are. I put a lot of effort into not letting my kids annoy people! The problem is we can't choose if a kid crys or not but we CAN tell someone to get the heck off the phone or at least keep their voice down! Why do people think you have to YELL into those things???

  11. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    I do the same thing! :grin:
    One customer got 2 of them at the counter while I was waiting on him, and it pissed me off a bit because I already had a plate full of work I could be doing.
    I told him to let me know when he had time to finish our transaction, and I would see if I had time for him.

    You know, you sometimes get the level of service you deserve.
  12. 68 BE225

    68 BE225 Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping for the Bose Quiet Comfort 2s for Chistmas. I can't imagine how bad this is going to be. Drives me nuts just on the tarmack. Why do people need to talk so loud on their cell phones? I hope there is a huge surcharge for using them in the air.

    I may have to pull out my very annoying personna and start asking questions of the person on the phone related to their conversation. I like to get advice from fellow shoppers on what brand to buy if they are yelling in their phone next to me.
  13. no car

    no car Well-Known Member

    I guess in time we may get used ti it but I hope not! How may times has someone near you started talking when there is no one around and you think they must be talking to you?? Especially in the store when there is no one else in the isle.

    I like the idea of just walking up to them and starting a conversation!!! I'll need to use that one.

  14. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    I commute on the LIRR (Long Island Rail Road) for over an hour a day each way. YOU DONT WANT ME TO START on the cell phone stories.

    Yes, they are an appliance of convenience and even necessity to the user - but for everyone BUT the user they are the GREATEST FORM OF ANNOYANCE EVER INVENTED !!!

    .....I do find humor though in seeing people.....Grown Men and Women !! Walking down the street Holding a LOUD conversation with what appears to be Themselves or NoOne !!! (Using a Hands-Free ear bug and mic)

    ....I also find it kinda pathetic looking at the Masses who clutch their phone in their hands while walking....sitting....eating....but aren't really using it at the moment. "PLEASE !!! SOMEONE CALL ME !!!!"
  15. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    I was rearended by a lady on a cell phone and she never got off of the cell phone throughout the whole ordeal. :rant: On the way home during the same day, less than 10 minutes later, a lady driving on the wrong side of the road yapping away on the cell phone, she only swerved after I laid on the horn. Anyone that talks on a cell phone while driving should be given a nice big ticket, somewhere around $300 for endangering the lives of others. :Smarty:
  16. bostongsx

    bostongsx Platinum Level Contributor


    I dont think phone calls should be allowed either. If you need to get in touch with someone put your phone in silent mode and text message them that way you aren't disturbing anyone else.
  17. bobc455

    bobc455 Well-Known Member

    Timely Question. As a matter of fact I am stuck on the wrong side of the country right now because of weather delays (grr). Hopefully I will fly back today.

    Anyhow, while my plane was being rerouted all over the map yesterday, I must admit that it would have been nice to be able to use my cell phone to call my travel agent or make some sort of hotel arrangements. On my particular plane, there was no phone in the back of the seat (it was a puddlejumper), so if that was there I would have used that- expensive, but if you gotta call, you can pay for it.

    I would like to see more planes with phones (with a very high price)- that way, if you MUST call, you can. Otherwise, shut up.

    (Has anyone ever noticed how as soon as you land, people pick up the cell phone just to blab with their buddies? "Guess what! I'm on a plane" - SHUT UP!)

    -Bob Cunningham
  18. 73Electra 225

    73Electra 225 Well-Known Member

    I say keep the ban on cell phones. FCC is getting ready to auction off some of the airline phone spectrum for high-speed internet access. Once online, you can always send email or IM someone if you really need to communicate with them.
  19. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    Try plowing Interstate 80 with 6-8 inches of snow on the ground and every other cars driver is on the cell phone.When I realize thats what they were doing,I just leave them after wiping out and tell them to call 911.It pisses me off.There is a time to use them.....not while driving.I got rid of mine 2 years ago and even if it was free, I'll pass.People are the idiots not the phones.My wife has a Trac fone and I hardly ever used it.
  20. GS4551970

    GS4551970 70 Buick GS 455

    I also hate them. My wife got us each one alittle over a year ago. Mine is always at home. The only reason i use it is because everyone i call is long distance.. I just went to the Bahamas on a cruise. The best thing was my buddy and his girl friend that cant stay off there phones couldnt use them the whole time we were out to sea. It was great.

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