Ceiling cloth hangs down - Drives me Crazy!

Discussion in 'Interior City' started by PILOT, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. PILOT

    PILOT Well-Known Member

    One thing that I absolutely can't stand about my '86 Regal is the cloth on the ceiling. It hangs, and rubs against my head everytime I move. I am a fairly tall lad, but that shouldn't matter.

    Any ideas on how to fix this? Should I rip it all out, and coat the ceiling with something? I am scared of getting rid of the insulation, since that helps in the winter - not that I plan on driving this in the winter.

    All ideas welcome!
  2. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Sounds like you need a new headliner...I know here in FL there are mobile places that will put a new headliner in for about $125. Any Upholstery place should be able to do it.
  3. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    If you have never done a headliner before....take it to a pro.
  4. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    I did one on my Olds just to get it out of the way. It looks terrible, but I tend to stare out the windshield instead (and just wanted it out of the way).

    Take it to a pro, or be very very careful and remove it from the car to do it.
  5. PILOT

    PILOT Well-Known Member

    Looks like I'll be heading to an upholstery shop! Thanks everyone.
  6. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    the chemical glues break down / deteriorate over time. if there is a smoker in the car, the smoke accelerates that process.
  7. PILOT

    PILOT Well-Known Member

    Makes sense. Previous owner was a smoker. I can tell by the ash tray.
  8. 69cloner

    69cloner MoparKilluh

    i have an 89 regal and the felt -like headliner kept hanging down on me in the middle of rush hour traffic in downtown Washington dc once..
    I came up with a simple fix for this...
    Any standard 4 inch blade can do wonders to ya headliner..
    start at the passenger side and slice the contour of the roof perimeter and and start yanking the headliner and toss it out the window and hopefully itll land on the car's windhield behind ya ... hopefully if all goes welll not only have you managed to solve ya annoyances with the ehadliner but you've just made a new friend in the car behind ya... If they don't follow ya all the way home then it wasn't meant to be.. LOL:blast: :blast: :blast: :blast:

    ona serious not you can rip off the felt-like headliners without removing the insulation...
    the insulation was sprayed on and sticks to the roof.. the headliner would seperate easily..
  9. freak6264

    freak6264 Myotonic when confronted

    Okay- here ya go- remove the dome light, and remove the headliner. vacuum the entire roof to get all the excess crap off. go get a can of 3M 77 spray glue, and a new piece of headliner material. you can get it from any upholstery shop for about 20 bucks. make sure you get enough material to have extra. spray th middle of your roof, let it tack. spray the middle of the new headliner material, let it tack up. place the new headliner inside the car and work your way out, spraying the car and headliner and letting them tack. spray as much or as little as you feel comfortable doing. eventually you'll be out to the edges, cut your headliner following the contour of the car, then tuck the rest. Good luck.
  10. PILOT

    PILOT Well-Known Member

    Throw the headliner out the window?!! AHAHA!! I almost fell on the floor when I read that. Maybe that's why there isnt a headliner like that in the Cessna that I fly!

    freak - thanks for the tip, I'll give it a shot. Nothing to lose, if I screw it up, I can still take it in. Sounds like an easy job. Now I just need to decide if I should stick with the original navy blue colour, or go black.
  11. wkillgs

    wkillgs Gold Level Contributor

    There's a whole DIY procedure on this SAAB site:

    It's not difficult to do. It is important to clean the surface well, and use the proper glue....many glues are not meant for headliners. For the material, many fabric stores carry it.
  12. PILOT

    PILOT Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the help gents. I'll post some pictures when I begin this (holding off to get it certed first!).

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