BUICK Calander?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 70buick455, Dec 7, 2004.

  1. 70buick455

    70buick455 Well-Known Member

    Anyone know what the status on the calander being made is.. Haven't heard it mentioned in a while and I'd deffinately like to get one......
  2. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    just posted that it is done :)

    OK, boys and girls the calendars are done. I think I might start drinking after this one No, it wasn't that bad. After I lost everything once I learned to save several copies of it.

    So, send me a PM and let me know how many you want and where you went them sent to.

    Cost again is $20 + $3 shipping. More than 2 calendars add $1 for each extra for shipping.

    You can send a check or money order to

    706 McHugh Road
    Yorkville, IL 60560

    I have paypal, but not sure how to link it to this if anyone can fill me in on that I can take payment that way too.

    When all said and done Im going to donate some of the profit to the club, So buy up!

    Thank you!! Hope everyone likes it.
  3. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass


    We just need to know your paypal email address.
  4. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    how do I figure that out?
  5. David G

    David G de-modded....

    Danie', it is whatever email you entered when you signed up for paypal. All the buyers have to do is enter that email address as the payee when sending the payment to you.
  6. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    That would be the one they send you your updates and stuff, right. Then it would be Danie@jdieter.com
  7. David G

    David G de-modded....

    Cool, thanks! I'll get one ordered this afternoon. :cool:
  8. john campbell

    john campbell MASSHOLE

    i'll take one. will send a money order asap.
  9. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    Thank you!
  10. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    Danie,I'd be interested in buying one. I'll send you a check asap.

  11. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    Thanks Carl :)

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