big mac story

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by rtabish, Jan 25, 2004.

  1. rtabish

    rtabish Well-Known Member

    about that new years resolution to lose weight...

    The Alarming Tale of a Big Mac Attack
    Morgan Spurlock, at a healthy 6-foot-2 and 185 pounds, wondered what would happen if he ate three meals a day at McDonald's for 30 days. He decided to try it, and the film he produced about the experience, "Super Size Me: A Film of Epic Portions," was just screened at the Sundance Film Festival. James Greenberg of The Hollywood Reporter writes: "The outcome is not a pretty picture, but thanks to Spurlock's oversized and buoyant personality and some pretty nifty filmmaking, the results are as entertaining as they are sobering."
    In one month, Spurlock gained a stunning 24 pounds on a food journey that took him to 20 cities as he ate nothing but Egg McMuffins, Big Macs, Chicken McNuggets, french fries, and whatever else caught his fancy on the McDonald's menu. Within days of beginning the odd diet, he started vomiting. Even his doctor was amazed at how quickly his body deteriorated. In addition to gaining a lot of weight very fast, his liver became toxic, his cholesterol soared, he suffered headaches, lost his libido, and even became depressed, notes The Hollywood Reporter.
    Why did he do this to himself? He says he got the idea after seeing a news report about two teenagers suing McDonald's because they blamed America's largest fast food chain for their obesity. The Hollywood Reporter does note that the film definitely has a shortcoming: It fails to acknowledge that all obesity is not the result of eating junk food. The film is packed with alarming facts and statistics about a nation that weighs too much and exercises too little, but it's done in a smart and amusing way with animation and fun music. The real value in the film? Reviewer James Greenberg says it's a cautionary tale for kids. Think about what you eat.
  2. Gr8ScatFan

    Gr8ScatFan ^That Car Is Sick^

    I have been eating there each day since my first exam. After this I think I may stop.
  3. 9secStage1

    9secStage1 Worlds Fastest GS Stage 1

    mmmm yummy!:laugh:

    Attached Files:

  4. Adam Whitman

    Adam Whitman Guest

    Sounds like another Michael Moore liberal activist media-ploy to blame business/industry for people's bad decisions. He shoulda had more MCsalads....

    Maybe looking at the women that frequent there is what made him nautious and lose his libido?

    Ever hear Steve Martin's theory on Fast-food kitchens?

    disclaimer: no I don't particularly like McD's but eat the occasional McMuffin, or Filet-O-Fish. I thought about buying ther stock which dropped this week but decided not to (prior to reading this thread).
  5. Marvin's65

    Marvin's65 In progress :|

    SO THAT EXPLAINS THE 15LBS i've gain since i got marrie 1 1/2yrs ago..................wait a minute i dont eat McDonalds...
  6. BillMah52

    BillMah52 Well-Known Member


    Careful Rick!!
    You know those things can be loaded!

    RATROASTER BPG#1291, GS-CA#2265

    I can believe it!! Those Apple pies are addictive.
  8. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    Re: Danger!!!

    They don't call 'em sliders for nuthin:laugh:
  9. rtabish

    rtabish Well-Known Member

    i dont think fast food in and of itself is particularly bad:Do No: but to eat it every day for every meal is probably extreme and deserves to be nasty and toxic. i personally will pig out on pizza and i know a steady diet of that in the quantities i can eat:Dou: would have the same effect.:shock: but this is the people who say they are getting fat and are looking to blame somebody other than themselves. HEY! nobody stuck a gun to your head and made you eat! now, beer is another story:beer
  10. dcm422

    dcm422 Well-Known Member

    Between his snoring and gastric disturbances from the burgers we barely got any sleep one year at the nats!

  11. Adam Whitman

    Adam Whitman Guest

    Never a gun, but my arm has been twisted a few times.....
  12. WUWU20

    WUWU20 Well-Known Member

    Worse than that....that guy is from here and he is a real a good way, we was talking about this today at work, eating lunch, from..........Wendys :laugh:

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