Attention Massholes

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 70buick455, Nov 25, 2004.

  1. 70buick455

    70buick455 Well-Known Member

    Hey there, this goes out to members of the Masshole gang.. Or anyone who's seen them... I'm From Detroit Lakes Mn, and This group of Buick lovers really intreagues me.... They got some nice rides for starters and they aren't afraid to use the power under there hoods..... If anyof you are members of this group, post some pics of your rides, or group shots of yall tearin it up....

    Even if your not in this Group, but have pics of there cars, Lets see em.....
    Thanks everyone.... Whata swell group of people....

    Ps. I'm fairly new here and think it would be kinda cool to see what some of you all look like... Once in a while in a pic I catch a glimse of a face, but some mug shots would be super sometime......

    Have a great night everyone.......I'd like to organize some of my pics with there owners.......
    David Carter
  2. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89

    I've met a few, quite by chance. Cool guys :TU:

    Here's a shot I tried to get of Dave Hanlon's GS. I was slow on the shutter button, though:

    Attached Files:

  3. Dave Hanlon

    Dave Hanlon LARGE MEMBER

    lost all my pics when i swaped to a new computer . I am sure Johnno johnny or kev will post some soon .or just get the new masshole dvd :Brow:
  4. bostongsx

    bostongsx Platinum Level Contributor

    I dont know about those mugshots

    I am sure a few in the gang are wanted for arrest so I don't know about giving up current pics. Anyway they probably already have real mugshots! (Wreckless Driving, driving to endanger, crossing the double yellow line, passing on the right, excessive exceleration, excessive noise, and the EPA wants them for air polution!) Just get the video and you will see what I mean! :grin:
  5. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    glad tyo see you Massholes got....errr....Grew ?? your winter coats for this season :TU: :TU:
  6. gdbuick

    gdbuick Well-Known Member

    Modern Miracle

    It's truley remarkable how technology can make anyone look better than reality.

    Thanks Kevin,
  7. Kevin,

    Looks like JR was out getting pretzels when the group shot was taken.

    Too funny :grin:
  8. car_man_76

    car_man_76 Goes fast with class!!!!

    Nice picture Kevin!! looks like one out of my family album( from my mothers side)

    B.T.W. was nice to meet you guys. how was your trip home?

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