Anyone know if anyone repops the wagon 3 row foot well?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by lostGS, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. lostGS

    lostGS Well-Known Member

    At first mine wasn't bad but I took a look a week ago. and found it had a few more rust holes. Anyoen know where I can find this piece.

  2. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    My guess is that you will not find a repop. If I was making sheet metal parts for old cars, I would assume that the demand for this particular part would be in the same room as Zero. If I were you, I would decide whether as a practical matter it is reparable. If so, I would repair it; if not, you are going to have to get up close and personal with scrapyards. The one bit of good news is that it probably will interchange with Pontiac, Olds, and Chevrolet, It should not be impossible to find one.

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