Anyone ever thought of making a V8Buick IPhone App?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by TuBBeD, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    I'm plenty happy with my Android and it's major flexibility. Being Linux based makes it so much better.
  2. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    I've been nothing but pleased with my android as well, I was just stating that if they're going to make a legit app hopefully it will be compatible with the android software.
  3. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    If not, hopefully they will implement Tap-A-Talk for us. It's very simple to install to the site, and only takes 2 minutes and 2 lines of code to be added. Then all we have to do is get the App for it.
  4. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    Love my android powered phone. :TU:
  5. Mike Bucy

    Mike Bucy Administrator Staff Member

  6. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    Looks good!
  7. carmantx

    carmantx Never Surrender

    Ahhh, that will be so nice. I'm going to have to get another battery for my evo.
  8. kick71

    kick71 Mike

    Site works like a charm with the IPad as well!
  9. ubushaus

    ubushaus Gold Level Contributor

    The suspense is killing me!
  10. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    Any updates on progress?
  11. dl7265

    dl7265 No car then Mopar

    Bueller Bueller
  12. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    What does that mean? My last post was 2 months ago.
  13. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Its an iconic reference to the movie Feris Buellers Day Off
    The character (Feris) skips school, and while the teacher is taking attendance, his name is called "Bueller?... Bueller?... Bueller? "

    So its become something you say, when no one is answering or replying :bla: :beers2: :laugh:
  14. 75Riv

    75Riv A.K.A. Harry Clamshell

    I can access the board, but cannot find an app (RSS) :Do No:
  15. cobra94r

    cobra94r Dad/Daughter Project SBB

    Yeah... That was a great movie!!! LOL

  16. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    Is there anything I can do to help with an iPhone app for V8BUICK? I'm not too good with software programming, but can make a little donation if needed. I've been using my phone and iPad more than my laptop when at home lately and an app would just be the coolest.
  17. dl7265

    dl7265 No car then Mopar

    Well did we get an App ? when the site was down for upgrades yesterday ? :Do No:

  18. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    I was wondering the same thing:puzzled:
  19. GNandGS

    GNandGS Well-Known Member

    Think it was to fix slow loading
  20. Mike Bucy

    Mike Bucy Administrator Staff Member

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