Anyone ever seen one of these??

Discussion in 'The "Paper Trail"' started by Brett Slater, Jun 18, 2004.

  1. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Guest

    This was attached to the last NOS Rear Fader Control Knob I have here that I'm keeping for my car.....what is this thing??

    See below...

    Attached Files:

  2. Doo Wop

    Doo Wop Where were you in '62?

    Looks like a "picking tag" used in a parts warehouse. See upper left corner.
  3. Dan Healey

    Dan Healey Well-Known Member


    Where did you digging this up? You didn't break into a parts warehouse did you????:laugh:
  4. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Guest

    Re: Brett....

    I wish!

    I'm on the lookout for your marker lights....
  5. JimBoCol

    JimBoCol CB - Wildcatman

    That is a computer punch card used for computerized inventory managment. It went in a huge main frame the size of a city block and probably only had about 64K RAM, and a tele-type output as opposed to a screen. I remember those as I used to program for RCA way back when and we used those exact type of inventory tags.

  6. awpptdt

    awpptdt 215 wanabe

    It is an IBM key punch card used, in this case for inventory. You set a a machine like a type writer, but larger. Enter the data and it punches out the card and it is attached to the part. These cards were used for all sorts of data.
  7. JimBoCol

    JimBoCol CB - Wildcatman

    Exaclty, and by today's standards it would be a barcode.
  8. thepartsman

    thepartsman Back Ordered Again ?

    GM's key punch card from the 70's
    Trying to send an order or return on key punch was about as much fun as a hammer dropped on the big toe :eek2:


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