Any use/value for stock cams?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by BQUICK, Feb 24, 2016.


    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    Got 5 stock 455 cams. Should I toss them or is there some use or value to them? I know a while back the cam gears were being cut off and reused on cams that had worn gears. Not sure if that is still happening.
  2. Thumper (aka greatscat)

    Thumper (aka greatscat) Well-Known Member

    bird feeder pole, mail box support, table leg etc.
  3. TheSilverBuick

    TheSilverBuick In the Middle of No Where

    Tree'd me.

    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    Hey Gary, I need to see what your place looks like....for ideas.:laugh: You must have gone through a lot of stock cams....

    I already made a table with a slick and glass top. 4 cams might just be right for table legs. But....I'm thinking more of a heavy duty use....
  5. Thumper (aka greatscat)

    Thumper (aka greatscat) Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I have a picket fence around the barn with them.:Brow:
    I do keep a good one on hand though , when I install cam bearings and the new cam has some drag I double check with the old one to make sure the new cam isn't bent.

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