Another New Low in Human Behavior--Financial criminal

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by pglade, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Just reading this article today about this (now ex) hedge fund manager that ripped off his investors for $25million or so...looks like he just took their money and stole it, living the high life etc. Well, after this idiot succeeded in spending all the money he suddenly "got religion" and left the country, on his yacht, of course, and while sailing around made a bunch of dvds that he mailed to investors admitting his guilt and asking that they forgive him, not turn him in and let him "make the money back for them". The alternative, he says in the video was " that the investors could sic the Feds on him, etc".

    He asked the shareholders to "stick with him and he should be able to make the money back in 12 to 18 months".

    And get this....the guy, in the video says he would "like to avoid jail time"!!

    He has since been arrested----this idiot should have time added on just because of his weak b.s. There is the old saying "it never hurts to ask" but this is taking it a little too far. Patton
  2. 65WILDKAT


    I Hope

    This is one thing that I really can use the term HATE! I have tried to teach my children not to say the word hate when it comes to people but people that do this are not humans!

    I really hope that this idiot gets the Max punishment!, They should sell off all that he has and give back the money to the people that he ripped off! I know that it will not come close to what they have lost but at least it is some thing and he will end up with nothing. But the truth is that by the time all the legal stuff and Leagal Eagles get thru with this it will end up at the bottom line saying a big fat ZERO is left! People like this end up getting a Slap on the hand and a fine of some stupid small amount compared to what they ripped off. I hate it when these people do this and get a few years and a fine that is not close to what they stole! After they get out they just hit up the "OFF SHORE BANK" that they put the stolen money in and go on living the "GOOD LIFE"... Some White Collar crime is just as bad as Blue collar. When you rip off the elderly of all they have, you just as well should have shot them in the heart!, because they have nothing left to live on! They have nothing to show for all the years of hard work and saving for thier "GOLDEN YEARS" and they are to ashamed to admit that they were taken so they say nothing about it to anyone!
    Sorry for being so long winded, but i really do HATE rip offs!
    Don :af:
  3. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    yeah - feel the same way as these people end up stealing a huge amount of money and never seem to get the same punishment time that others do. Of course, these are not violent crimes but the audacity of this idiot's reasoning/thinking ("I would like to avoid jail time" , "I can make the money back") is beyond comprehension. Hopefully a judge will bring this dumbass back to reality when he sentences him. They should make a special effort to put these financial criminals into particularly rough prisons--the rationale for that is they ripped off people to live the high life (yachts, $2.2mm houses, 10 cars, etc) that they otherwise would not have----so now they should get the opportunity to experience the flipside to offset it and maybe make them consider how lucky they were before their schemes began.
  4. 65WILDKAT



    AMEN!!! AMEN!
    Yes I agree with putting them in a REAL PRISON! :TU: :mad: I bet they would have a face like this the moment they walked in :shock: And I would just laugh and yell out "HEY GUYS NEW MEAT WALKING". No Country Club jail for them. I don't belive in the Country Club prisons for anyone! CRIME IS CRIME! and they should give them a term like a day for each dollar they stoled! They can :ball: all they want but I would not care!
  5. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    He did that wrong. What you do is steal 25mill and then invest it. Make 100mill and as long as you agree to return the 25 mill, when people get pissed. You avoid big jail time.

    They give bank robbers breaks for returning the money.

    A lawyer friend came up with that. Its almost legal to steal as long as you give it back. You just gotta be smart and make more from what you steal.
  6. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    a sucker is born every minute.

    that's all I have to say about that.

    well maybe cavet emptor.
  7. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    from the sound of the story this guy didn't even try to invest much of it--I think it went from initial deposit out to his personal use. Wonder if he used any of the money to buy some Buicks or parts.....hmmmmm. :Brow:

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