An Obituary

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Greg Schmelzer, Feb 8, 2004.

  1. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!


    Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend by the name of Common
    Sense who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he
    was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
    He will be remembered as having cultivated such valued lessons as knowing
    when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that
    life isn't always fair.
    Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than
    you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in
    His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but
    overbearing regulations were set in place.
    Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing
    a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and
    a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his
    condition. It declined even further when schools were required to get
    parental consent to administer aspirin to a student, but, could not inform
    the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
    Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments
    became contraband, churches became businesses, and criminals received better
    than their victims.
    Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize
    that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was
    awarded a huge settlement.
    Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his
    Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is
    survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner.
    Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.
  2. alan

    alan High-tech Dinosaur

    Sometimes I can relate. :ball:
  3. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    :rant: Ya Greg the big story of the week is Janet Jacksons boob :eek2: :rolleyes:
    WTF A girl kidnapped and killed, ricin in envelopes and everybody worried about Janet jacksons boob :shock:

    not much common sence left in this country :ball: :rant:
  4. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

  5. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Hate to say it guy's, but the "boob" is VERY relevent. Not because of what it is, but take the whole picture into account. It speakes to the very values expressed earlier. I like boobs just as much as the next guy (or girl, wouldn't want to be politically incorrect, oh God, no).

    Put yourself in my shoes, better yet, in millions upon millions of other people's shoes as well.

    I have 4 year old twins, a boy and a girl. Having fun dancing and singing, but then I have to answer this question. "Daddy, why did that man rip her clothes off?"

    I suppose I should just say, "well kids, it's ok, it's just for fun" right? "After all, it's just a boob kids." "Boobs are ok."

    You're missing the point guys. The boob is what it is, all women have them. Duh, no kidding. All women however, do not flash them during the most watched event of the year where MILLIONS OF KIDS ARE WATCHING! It's not the Man Show, it's the Super Bowl. The Man Show is on later, after my kids are asleep. They don't watch that. I can't see how viewing boobs is a benefit to a young kid. They'll have plenty of time to get theirs. The Super Bowl ain't the time or place.

    This is most obviously a liberal versus conservative issue.

    Believe me, I felt nauseous when I heard that Carli Brucia had been murdered. My heart goes out to that family. I could never fathom the hurt.

    ....and the risin issue is getting plenty of coverage from what I've been hearing.

    I don't think the "boob" is getting more attention necessarily. But I'm glad it IS getting attention though, because as I said, the issue goes deeper than just the boob. It's values. Janet Jackson herself admitted she made a mistake.

    Either millions of Americans are wrong and are prudes, or millions of Americans have better values than MTV and CBS.

    Duh, which one is it, I wonder?
  6. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Hmm, football....

    Grown men in a full-contact (whats that about?) sport where they throw each other to the ground in gladiator-style battles playing a controlled-violence "kill the man with the ball" game.

    They are consenting adults, and its all in fun, so that's their choice. Far more interesting than baseball, in my opinion.

    Perhaps games like these, even though socially condoned, should be aired at a later time so as to let people enjoy them when the under 10 group is asleep.
  7. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    boobie's don't kill...... :eek2: duh you wonder

    my priority is the safety or my kids I have a 19 year old daughter 18 and 15 year old son' s an a 21 month old gran-daughter with every thing going on in this country /world the last thing I'm worried about is a couple of de -generates trying too make a name for themselves give it a rest all ready i'm sick of hearing about it :blast:

    was it wrong???????????

    well hell yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    so is a stupid horse fart in the face commecial :puzzled: but here comes the grammys and guess what???????????????

    thoughs same people will be wright their :shock: and why will more people tune in :Do No:because the chanse that something like that might happen again :shock: my advice tune them out and don't buy there products.......

    I don't :spank:


    To sum it all up The problem IS MORAL DECAY...... Look around its not hard to see. People will be using the F word on regular tv soon the FCC is goingh to allow it. Now I really will be watchin less tv than I already do.........
  9. Damian Kolosik

    Damian Kolosik Well-Known Member

    man i think its stupid that they make such a big deal out of janets boob i mean come on a few years ago lil kim was on the mtv awards and hers was just hangin there like nothin i mean there was somethin covering it but stil i mean come on big deal people out there dying and were out here all whining about janets boob come on be happy horray for boobies at least it wasnt some old chicks that was all saggin right? k then ive said enough....
  10. SmittyDawg

    SmittyDawg Need another garage....

  11. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    I think it would be more important to have the media report things to us about our troops than Janets breasts.I think the tv is getting too far out there now and I am enjoying less and less tv lately.I was really upset that when the news reported the little girl Carli was found dead that it got me thinking about my 2 girls.I will say this,if it was my child in that case,that man would never make it to trial.We need to do something with our country soon or we will all be in trouble.
  12. rtabish

    rtabish Well-Known Member

    i was actually hoping this discussion would come up on here. i think ken hit the nail on the head:TU: the" boob" in and of itself was totally unnessesary, but over and above this is the way that pop culture is going in general. truzi thinks football is just the latest incarnation of neolithic war mongering, and that is true. but it is far from the actual war we have to contend with. there is enough real horror brought down upon us everyday, we dont need our morals and sensibilities stripped from us by the greed and selfishness of people who have no morals. janet jackson's boob is like the watermark that we can see only too well at the tip of a very scary iceburg of desensitivity to what we know is the difference between right and wrong. the only real question is can we change this........
  13. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Holy mackerel. Throw a period in occasionally will ya? :error:

    Don't forget where lil kim was Damian. The MTV awards. Hardly the Super Bowl clientele tuning in.

    And what the heck does people dying have to do with this? I fail to make the connection. People will die every day for the rest of time, so should we ignore everything else because people die? That's an ignorant statement. One does not mean the other should be ignored.

    The news IS reporting on our troops!

    The news IS reporting on people dying (for those of you who don't think they are)

    The news IS reporting on world hunger.

    The news IS reporting on the environment.

    If you watch the news like I do you would see it.

    They just so happen to ALSO be reporting on the super bowl breast incident as well.

    Mark, I'm concerned about the safety of my kids too buddy. That comparison is as lame as it gets. How is the safety of our children being jeopordized by "objecting" to seeing what we saw on the half time show? Please make the connection for me. Last time I checked we weren't sending troops to Janet Jacksons house leaving us all unprotected.

    Ignoring that kind of behavior and leaving it unchecked won't do my children any good that I can think of, unless you think it was appropriate somehow, in which case I don't care anyway, because I don't think it was.

    Believe whatever you want. Just please stop making these assenine comparisons which have nothing to do with each other.

    I'm sorry if you can't see the difference between the "pretend" horse fart commercial and the ripping of a womens clothes off exposing a breast. I would have to say that if they did it during the MTV music awards, that would be more appropriate because I would expect nothing less from those idiots. Plus having the added benefit of me not tuning in to watch it to begin with.

    After all, who was I to expect to tune in to the Super Bowl with my kids and not expect to see a breast? Shame on me.

    I guess to the libs I'm a prude and need to lighten up.

    Maybe I'll go out streaking tomorrow during my lunch break. After all, we're at war and people are dying. What's the big deal. You've never seen a person with no clothes on? Get a life!

    Racebuicks has it right. Moral decay. You can ignore it if you want. But if you're REALLY concerned about your kids, how can you ignore it? :confused:

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