Alternator question

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by 72skylarkcc, Apr 2, 2003.

  1. 72skylarkcc

    72skylarkcc Made in the USA

    I have a 70 GS 350 hi-comp engine and the alternator has a dual pulley on it. When I pulled the motor, it was running two of the same size alt belts. Does anyone know why this is and is there a way to get one of these refurb. aftermarket. The ones at the local parts store only have a one groove pulley.
  2. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    Two groove pulleys are for AC applications, what's yours?
  3. 72skylarkcc

    72skylarkcc Made in the USA

    Mine is a non a/c car. That is what is confusing me. I thought the same thing. When I go home, I need to check and see if I have the wrong pulleys on this thing.

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