Allies my a$$

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Ken Mild, Oct 17, 2002.

  1. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    As per the Debka file,

    "US Bipartisan Foreign Policy Group Finds Heavy Al Qaeda
    Reliance on Funds from Saudi Arabia
    Bush Administration Criticized for Laxity in
    Challenging Saudis, Even Though Backlash Could
    Jeopardize Saudi Government Survival"

    We will lose this war on terror if we don't WAKE UP!
  2. Captain Mark

    Captain Mark Well-Known Member

    That article also talks about the $10 million bucks the city of New York turned down after 9/11. The Saudi's offered $10 million to the survivors fund if the US would re-examine it's middle east policies. Screw the Saudi's, they are neck deep in this mess.
  3. Mark Ascher

    Mark Ascher

    I agree Ken. The Saudis are our #1 problem, not Iraq. How about those disgusting television PR pieces that the Saudis put together? I change the channel every time one airs. The networks should have rejected them, but dollars talk louder than dead people.

  4. stage2man

    stage2man Well-Known Member

    Hang on boyz, we don't have to worry about them to much longer. The USA is about to become the worlds largest oil producer. Yep it's true. The first of the super deep sub sea oil leases is coming on line this spring. At over 20,000 ft deep ever technology is new and untested. At 10,200 psi free flowing 26 well platform will make as much oil in a month as some Opec countries quotas! This reserve in the Gulf is larger than all the oil in the middle east we just couldn't get to it.

    What are they going to do when the tankers stop coming?:Brow:
  5. Mike T

    Mike T Well-Known Member

    Why isn't this oil prospect all over the media?

    Mike T
  6. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    I read recently in the Mpls. Star Tribune that Russia is modifying some of it's ports to accomodate the large tankers.
    Apparently Prime Minister Putin is interested in selling oil to us.
    I believe that they actually have more oil than the Saudi's.
    I would love to see us stop buying oil from the Saudi's. They wouldn't be so wealthy if they didn't have us as a customer.

    Regarding those ads, I'm always leery of someone who openly boasts about being such a huge buddy.
    Thats just a ploy to take your eye off the knife aimed at your back.
  7. Captain Mark

    Captain Mark Well-Known Member

    We should just of into Saudi and "annex' the whole country. If it were not for the US they would still be shoveling camel crap and herding sheep for a living. It was all US technology that got that oil out of the ground, it was not Saudi "engineers". We made those guys the richest people on earth and this is what we get in return.
  8. Captain Mark

    Captain Mark Well-Known Member

    ...............and David has brought us good news. I have been hearing about the super deep oil reserves for years. When I was working in the oil field in the '70's and early '80's we were trying to figure out how to get to it. I knew we would figure it out eventually.
  9. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    I hope this is true about the oil reserves. I too am skeptical however as to why the media isn't on it. I guess it doesn't suit their liberal menu.

    I'm so sick of the Saudi's trying to play both sides of the fence on this terrorism issue. It's ironinc because they know they are behind it, we know they know we know they're behind it, yet we still play this posturing game like they are really our friends. I'm tired of this BS. I'm not as friggin stupid as the government thinks I am. If we had our own oil reserves maybe we would have the balls to demand the Saudi's cut funds to Al Qaida or die. We should do it anyway.

    I don't know about anyone else on this board, but I'm growing more concerned than ever before. The cold war was a visible, tangible, negotiable situation. This is non-negotiable, irrational, and fanatical. You cannot fight these qualities with a voice of reason. It's time we got down to business and stopped the bullsh!t.
  10. Gold72GS

    Gold72GS Wheelman

    Amen to that!!!!
    Brian :beer
  11. sbbuick

    sbbuick My driving scares people!

    If we really wanted to pull punches, I think we'd have to say "FU" to the UN as well.

    The UN does not have our best interests in mind.
  12. TuBBeD

    TuBBeD Well-Known Member

    So, what do you guys & gals think about North Korea and how they just admitted about having nuclear weapons? I'm starting to feel that this ordeal with taking care of "the axis of evil" is going to end up in a WW III. What do you think?

  13. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    WW III...... It will be the United States against all of the bad guys because everyone else wants to sit on the fence:af:

    The world is a scary, unstable place right now and all of these UN countries better open their eyes because it will not go away on its own...:jd:
  14. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    In all my years, I never remember being as tense as I am now about all this sh!t. As far as I'm concerned, N. Korea and Iraq should be parallel simultaneous efforts.

    The comments about the UN are so true. If we lose the war on terror and come to a point where these freak shows take our country over and have their way with our wives and children, it will be because of political correctness, red tape and our inability to move forward swiftly because of our own political stranglehold we have on ourselves. It really is quite pathetic, and I bet the arab terrorists laugh at us every day because we can't get our heads out of our asses with this war on terror.
  15. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    Amen,, Political Correctness will be the death of this country.:af:

    I worry what the future holds for my 18 month old son and our other baby that is on the way :(
  16. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Me too man. I've got 2 1/2 year old twins, a boy and a girl. We're gettin out of NJ man, going to Maine, FWIW. Be closer to nature and get out of the hell trap of the tri state area and away from Paterson and Passaic, also known as the "Home of Al Qaida". Strange thing is, real estate agent says we'll probably have bidding wars on my house. Go figure, who the hell would want to move TO nj.

    Sorry Jersey guys out there, but don't forget, I've lived here all my life and didn't always have this attitude. But this place has gotten so over populated and congested it's mind blowing. When you go out on a Sunday, and still have gridlock, it's time to get the hell out. Plus I'm too close to NYC for my liking, since Sept. 11th, I've reevaluated why I'm even here and I can't come up with one good answer.
  17. bad-buford

    bad-buford Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, great topic. FIRST OF ALL LET ME SAY THIS IS JUST MY OPINON AND DOES THIS IN NO WAY REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE US GOVERNMENT OR, ARE THESE STATEMENTS BELOW FACTS. just spent the last seven months in Afg. Fighting the war. I'm a member of special forces, what does that mean? Nothing in the real world, just that we operated/lived 300 miles from any major base or facility. We delt with locals daily either in combat or providing assistance to the needy. What we are dealing with, is a massive PR campain that we lost before the war ever started. Here is some back ground, our "enemy" which I will define as a group of extreme people. This enemy was made by our treatment to the people as a whole. I.E. during the Gulf War we (US) ask the Kurd's to rise up against Saddum, we would be there for them. In the end Saddum is still there and the Kurds took heavy loses for their uprising at the hands of the Iraq goverment. During the Russian/Afg war we dropped support for the Musadiim(sp), these are some of the same people that we are fighting today. The US views of the Middle East with Isreil. In all of these areas the US is viewed by these extreme people as waging war against all of the Muslim world. They PR this to the hilt and try to turn the whole area/people against the US.
    Secondly The "red tape" politicial correctiveness and UN issue you have talked about. Those areas are the fault of us as US citizens. Remeber that we elect the red tape and so on. It is my view that we as a nation do not have the will to wage a true war against the evils against us. This is a war unlike anything we as a nation has ever seen. And to bring to bare the force necessary to destroy such an enemy requires a special kind of soldier. I thought that I(soldiers like me) was that kind of forces, but the lose of a soldier who has volunteered three times 1. to join the army. 2. To go airborne. 3. To go Special Forces. Not to count The four times I have re-enlisted. The lose of my life or of soldiers like me is to much for the people to take. We can lose some women or children but not a soldier. Understand I war/combat/conflict people get hurt and some innoscent people die on both sides. On 9/11 over 3,000 men women and children were killed just tring to live there lives. This is not the end, I wonder how many more before we as a nation enough. It truly hurts me to hear about Ken who feels that it would be safer to move his family. I feel that I have in some way i have failed Ken as a soldier.

    I'm now off my soap box. Ken I lived in Maine for 18yrs before I left for the military. Great state just a little cold.

  18. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's


    You haven't failed me as a soldier man. If our elected officials would allow brave souls such as yourself to wage the kind of offensive that we need to wage in order to strike at terror wherever it exists before it strikes us, this whole outlook would be completely different. I hate to say it, but life as we know it has completely changed with respect to how we must protect our country and while I do not condone wreckless aggression on our behalf, the constipation of the UN and the liberal movement and political correctness of the day will most certainly be our undoing as a nation if we don't wake up and smell the coffee. The grim reaper is at our doorstep and he's laughing at us because we are twisted and stuck in our own political turmoil of correctness. God forbid, but, IMHO, with the stranglehold the UN and the liberals have on our Presidents every move, it will take a nuclear explosion in NYC or some other big city before these a$$holes finally wake up and say, "ok, maybe we are in trouble". So far, so many people are afraid of molesting the constitution. It is my belief that at some time, our unwillingness to bend the rules to root out terrorists in our own country will ultimately result in our overthrowing or complete demise. Sounds gloomy doesn't it? It just plain sucks. At a time when we should be as united as ever, we couldn't be more divided. It better change soon, cause we don't have much more time for this bullsh!t. We need to get down to business and take care of what we need to take care of. You my friend, have not failed me, our own country is failing us.
  19. Captain Mark

    Captain Mark Well-Known Member

    First of all, thank you Cory for what you do. Me and my family sleep better at night knowing you are out there doing what most people are not willing to do. None of this bitch session is aimed at the military. God bless you all.

    Now, second, send the UN packing. Get it out of our country. Here is an institution that is run by communists and socialists and hate our way of life. Give the UN to someone like........hmmmm, I don't about France. There is a country that would welcome that kind of crap. A real fence sitter. Nothing good comes out of that building, as far as we are concerned anyway.

    Next, in all history politicians have used this type of things to take rights away from citizens. Check out the Romans. They started out as a Republic. Our form of government was patterned after theirs. Eventually the peopel gave up most rights under the guise of "it's for our own good, we are under attack on all sides by enemies and we need to give more power to our leaders to make quick decisions." Then Rome turned into a dictatorship. We have to be careful that does not happen in the US.

    Wait a minute, now I'm on this dang soap box! Let me get down.
  20. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    This is true. But then, how do we do suveillance over the internet, or over phone lines, or over anything, if we are to worry about peoples privacy? I love and cherish my right to privacy. I also know that terrorists use this against us by using our rights to privacy to their advantage. That being said, how do we fight this? Obviously, you cannot intrude on everyones privacy in order to possibly intercept terrorists communications. But then how do you do it? It's my guess that our government is as clueless as I am. Truthfully, I am utterly amazed more jets have not come down since Sept. 11th. Security at airports is still a disgrace. We are so far behind the curve of anti terrorism training and implementation that it's scary.

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