ALKY injection

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by leo455, Mar 25, 2004.

  1. leo455

    leo455 LAB MAN

    I was reading a story in x-tra about alky injection on TR's. I understand the prenciable consept. More boost more heat more detonation. My question is this . If more boost = more compression wouldn't this idea work on high compression 455's ? I think you could use a Nos plate under the carb and use the set-up off of the TR . What do you think?
  2. Buick

    Buick Ramin Ansari

    Good thinking. In theory it sure would, but in practice the alcohol system would need to be running full time on a high-compression motor. Remember that the boost on a turbo car only comes on if you have your foot in it. It's triggered for instance by a pressure sensing switch that can be set to start the alcohol injection when the boost reaches a certain level (10 psi or so). The alcohol kits for the TR's come with a 1 quart or so size tank, and a pump that may not have been spec'ed for full time duty anyway.

    Hope this helps.
  3. leo455

    leo455 LAB MAN

    I tought about that,but if you used either a vaccum ora micro switch on the carb to come on at part throttle or low vac. Wouldn't that help with denotation?

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