Alan Wander- 69gs400s- A++++++

Discussion in 'Buyer/Seller Feedback' started by George D., May 6, 2008.

  1. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    Spent the day at Alan's house on Saturday cleaning and shooting the breeze. Alan was kind enough to give me a couple of parts for the latest project :bglasses: . Thanks Homie! :TU:
  2. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    The pleasure was all mine - been tripping over that bench seat since we ripped it out of that hulk last fall. You did ME the favor by taking it away :beer

    George was a really big help - he helped me re-pack alot of the big stuff I've been storing that was taking up way too much room but was too big of a job to do single handedly

    Thanks Budski
  3. 54Rich

    54Rich Silver Level contributor

    OK George, get your but over here and clean my garage! Actaully, I'll be in Boston Monday and Tuesday, I wish I had some extra time:rant: If I did I'd come visit and drink your beer:TU: :beers2:

    And, I'd more than likley get that certain piece of chrome that I'm missing:Brow:

  4. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    After last night's 'schooling' by both you and Mr Pollak, I retract my above statement :moonu: :moonu: :moonu: :moonu: :beers2:
    A-holes... :moonu: :moonu: :TU:
  5. George D.

    George D. Platinum Level Contributor

    I think you should talk with Alan.... He may have a FEW better than mine (alan: :moonu: ). But, as the old saying goes; '...pry it from (his) cold, dead hands'.... :pp
  6. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    Now, whats better then 2 buick buddies SERIOUSLY pulling the wool not only over your eyes but out your :moonu: as well ??

    Chris - I dont think GeorgieBoy will need to wipe for a week !! :laugh: :laugh:

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