Airport Security

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by mechacode, Oct 4, 2004.

  1. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    How hard would it have been for a terrorist to do the same, but instead of carrying a walker, it would have been carrying 900 pounds of c-4? :Do No: :Dou:
  2. TimR

    TimR Nutcase at large

    You know what?? Its not just airports. I can drive up to bridges, power stations, police buildings, tunnels, train bridges etc. We have an incredible infrastructure of incredibly attractive and easy to access targets. Who wants to blow up a baggage claim anyway??

    All the security has done as far as I can see is make it harder for me to get to and from work (I work in aviation).

  3. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    The closest oil plant near me has a major security hole risk. { I have told people but they don't care] All around the place they have put up giant boulders to stop truck or anything from coming through a fence. Really well protected too, except for one spot.

    Where an access road come straight at the middle of the plant. They have no barriers. A truck could come down that road doing 80mph easy and 100+ if they tried. They would go right through a chain link fence, through a yard full of vent pipes and then right into the center of the plant.

    Its really dumb when the entire place is block off but the one area with a road heading right into it.

    Oregon Ohio would be gone in 30sec and I know the fire drill. The only concerns would be to stop the fire from crossing the river into Toledo. I am on the wrong side of the river.
  4. Leviathan

    Leviathan Inmate of the Month


    The right people, getting at the right things at the right time.

    That is the ONLY definition of security. Using the current airport model, I can make you Buick 100% secure by sealing it in a 50x50' block of concrete and dumping it in the ocean...but since it's not useless its not secure.

    If the airport "Security" causes delays and prevents proper people from access then they are not Secure, simple as that. Making a big show with machine guns at the airport and harassing customs stations does nothing but tell people to look for holes in other areas.
  5. 68 BE225

    68 BE225 Well-Known Member

    TSA is requiring all pilots and sudent pilots to prove they are US citizens. The aviation industry is hurting enough to not have hurdles like this put infront of it. The pendulm has swung too far now. If we are worried about certian folks learning to fly don't let them in the country! Can they buy fertilizer and rent a truck without a background check? :rant: 911 could have been done with no flight training. All they need to do was to learn which buttons to push on the electronic flight manager and it would have probably been more successful.


    I feel for the woman in Idaho. Airports are very confusing. :Dou:
  6. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Just wondering if you saw the part where it said she drove into the airport?

    What kind of an airport needs a front door that's big enough to drive a freakin van through?! We're all the same (average) size, keep the huge doors in the back.

    Anyone else hear that 3 senators have been stopped already because their names were on the "do not fly" list?
  7. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    Thousands Standing Around
  8. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    You haven't seen the baggage my family takes yet.

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