After market ignition points #$*&%...

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by awake13, May 5, 2007.

  1. awake13

    awake13 Well-Known Member

    Spent two hours today doing a job that would normally take five minutes...
    I've changed so many points in my life you would think I could do it blind folded. This time it turns out that the cheap after market points kit I bought comes with a larger than stock tit on the bottom plate.

    We all know what problems tits can be. This one apperantly lines up with a hole in the distributor plate and causes the assembly to ride too close to the cam. Result is the #$@*&^ points cannot be backed off so they close. No closey, no spark.

    I have ground the tit after the fact. I still don't know if this will help. Just posting so that others can beware of tits.

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