AC Restoration and Installation

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by blackgs, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. blackgs

    blackgs Well-Known Member

    I am doing the final part of a frame off restoration on a 72 GS 455. I need to get the AC installed. The heater core etc under the dash and on the engine side of the firewall is installed. or was never removed when the frame and body was restored. I was hoping I could get some advice on the following points.

    1. I do not know if the previous owner pulled the heater core and AC coil for inspection and/or repair. Should I pull out the heater core and AC coil now and have it inspected while the carpet and seats are removed or is there a way to inspect with the unit in the car. Seems like a lot of work to remove and reinstall if the unit is ok.

    2. The compressor is not installed so while it is out of the non running car should I take it to an AC shop or does it need to be fully installed for them to inspect the compressor. The rebuilt engine has not yet been fired up so I can't yet drive to a shop. Any way to check it myself?

    3. I believe that there is supposed to be an X brace (2 rods with a special bend) that is installed to the outside of the core support. Is this correct? If so where can I get this part? I remember someone was making reproductions.

  2. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    abolutely pull the heater core. my guess is that it is original. any doubt, replace it!
    i would suggest that if u are not familiar with the installation of the a/c unit & accessories, that u take have a reputable technician/company to complete the installation. definitely have that a/c compressor rebuilt or better yet, replaced with new. cheaper in the long run.
    there are two cross-braces (rods) for the front of the rad core.

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