About those firewall chalk marks...

Discussion in 'The "Paper Trail"' started by John Diaz, Aug 5, 2003.

  1. John Diaz

    John Diaz Silver Level contributor

    What besides the interior trim code is supposed to be there?

    BTW, Duane, it was good to see you and meet "Faithful Wife" Beth in Flint. I'm still walking a few inches off the ground after the Saturday nite show, not to even mention the show itself....
    See ya'~~~
  2. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest

    Hey John!

    Chalk marks, huh....Well, around the voltage regulator is the paint code, behind the power booster, if a disc brake car, is the letter "D", hmmmm...can't think of anything else. These are not on every car, nor in the same place. Different factories, different shifts, different people, well, you get the idea.
  3. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Guest



    I was just looking at your site. Any progress as of late? Any new pics to post?
  4. John Diaz

    John Diaz Silver Level contributor

    Hi, Brad.... thanks for the quick answer. Golly, this is a peak experience! I was hoping you'd say paint code, because I just found the marks hiding under 20-something years of spray paint. The numbers didn't come off even after the dose of paint stripper!
    No "D" yet, but I found the 138 and, get this, an underlined "Spec" for my Mille Miglia Red! Gee, if restoring a car was always this much fun, more people would do it!
    (Honestly, I've been fighting with the rechromers so much, its really taken a lot of the wind out of my sails this year.)
    Brad, every golf cart I saw in Flint I'd look to see if it was you, after I heard you were riding around on one. But to no avail.
    Your car did look its usual awesome self, tho'....
    Brad Berger actually introduced Sid Myers (sp?) to me as Brad Conley, so I thought I had you for a second; but it was a false alarm....
    See ya'!

    Brett, yes, there's always progress; it's just slow! Seriously, I actually have tons more pictures, but really haven't had as much time to update the Web site. I'll be back in Mich. in a couple weeks on vacation and it's on my to-do list. BTW, I'm glad to hear that somebody is at least looking!
  5. n2buick

    n2buick Well-Known Member

    John, as many people as were there, it's no wonder you missed him.
    While I did see Brad and Sid, I never saw you.

    There was definitely a lot of ground to cover.

  6. John Diaz

    John Diaz Silver Level contributor

    Hey, Jeff.
    I actually looked for your tent with pegboard (I belive that's what you said), also to no avail. I did get to see Paul & Lynn Gawel, who were a pleasure to meet, and as I said, Duane H. & Brad B. My biggest problem was that for most of the meet I was with my 75 yr. old friend in the '55 Century area, plum across the campus from the GSs....
    I did find out one thing, tho': if you're looking for somewhere good to eat, just follow the Chicagoland gang~~~ I think I gained 10 lbs in 3 days!!!!
  7. Duane

    Duane Member

    Brad about summed it up. The only other chalk mark I see on a lot of cars is on the side of the cowl. They marked a number on the driverside of the cowl, in front of the door hinges(It is hidden by the front fender.). This # corresponds with the number body that was built that day. I have taken apart a few cars and this # also corresponds to the # on the small build sheets that are found under the front seat springs.
    Glad you had a good time at Flint, and met my wife Beth. She won't go to many car shows, but actually talked me into going to Flint, glad she did too. We spent a lot of time looking at the "Brass" cars and Brad's prototype. She still talks about helping me hand stitch the leather cover on the steering wheel.

    PS. If you want to know how to correctly store a Concours car when finished, you should talk to Brad. His car was finished almost 10 years ago and looks just as good as it did when Dave Kleiner first did it.
  8. n2buick

    n2buick Well-Known Member

    John, we registered to vend at the last minute, and therefore were stuck down on the corner, behind a bigger tent.
    A number of people have told me they looked, but never found us.

  9. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest

    Hey John,

    Yep, we were running around everywhere in the golf cart. Had 3 kids and a puppy dog (Sheltie) with us. I had accidently tore off a toenail about 6 weeks ago (OUCH!) and knew I would not be able to walk the place, hence the golf cart. Took 5 stitches in the nail bed to close it up and since I'm diabetic, healing time on the lower parts takes a lot longer. Sure made life easier. On Friday or Saturday, my buddy Duane gave me a license plate that read "Conley Buick"...mounted it on the roof of the golf cart.

    Glad you found your "chalk" marks, but they are really not chalk, but a (usually) yellow grease crayon. Don't forget to take pictures and duplicate them on your firewall...you'll need to practice the handwriting before you go at the final copy.

    Sorry I missed you in Flint. That place was HUGE, huh?
  10. John Diaz

    John Diaz Silver Level contributor

    For future reference, here's the trim code....

    Attached Files:

  11. John Diaz

    John Diaz Silver Level contributor

    And here's the "Spec" where the paint code would be. Now, to find the others you guys mentioned....

    Attached Files:

    • spec.jpg
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      36.2 KB
  12. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest


    That is so cool...thanks for posting the pics!
  13. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    Here's a picture of the "D" on my car. It's hard to see the top of it but there are a few yellow marks visible in the picture just below the lip of the cowl. It also looks like there's an "L" or a "C" next to it. Any ideas what the additional character is?

    Attached Files:

  14. n2buick

    n2buick Well-Known Member

    I'm curious to know about the second letter as well.
    The guy that redid my car said there was a "C" on it, but I had not seen another until now.

  15. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest

    "C" = Clutch - 4 speed car.
  16. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    Thanks, Brad! :TU:

    BTW, I finally got those magazines in the mail to you. Sorry about the delay...
  17. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest

    Hey, thanks Ken! Let me know what I owe you.

  18. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car


    You've helped me an awful lot, that's payment enough! :TU:
  19. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest

    :TU: :TU:
  20. n2buick

    n2buick Well-Known Member

    Great, I guess that means the "C" on mine is correct.


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