a thought for all clubs

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Jess, Nov 1, 2002.

  1. Jess

    Jess Meaner than POOP!!

    I lived in Indiana and found a newspaper called" Peoples Peddler"
    and they had tons of stuff to offer...from pets to cars...

    the paper cost 1.25 and I used to regularly buy them when I could find them, found some awesome deals...

    My mind has been working overtime and I am curious if anyone would think doing this for all the clubs, and printing monthly issues, for members to get so they can see if they need something that someone has in a club way across town or across the nation...

    All the ads were free, no cost to post it....

    and it was 1.25 to buy I guess for their time and paper cost...

    if this sounds like a good idea to alot, I may take it on myself ...so as much feedback as I can get would be nice, especially from all the chapters...

    thanx and hope maybe this could be something to help out others

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