A sticky problem...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by britt'sStage 1, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. britt'sStage 1

    britt'sStage 1 A Lone Wolf In D.C.

    V8 Buick family... I have one of those BBB Shortblocks covered in Cosmoline.How would I get all the cosmoline off the block completely ?
    Is Hot-tanking the most effective way to remove it...?
    Also should a machinist check all the oil passages be checked before any machining takes place?
    I appeal to the Pros, and has anyone used one if these blocks.
  2. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Cosmoline is petroleum based, so anything that cuts petroleum will work. The one I used, we had it tanked in caustic soda (hot tanked).

    That will insure it is removed inside and out.

  3. 300sbb_overkill

    300sbb_overkill WWG1WGA. MAGA

    Or a jet wash machine should make easy work of the job.

    Basically is a pressure wash cabinet that sprays hot detergent water while the block is spinning in there, would work great to melt that crap off of the block.

    Most machines shops have these jet wash cabinets to clean parts after machining. GL
  4. steve covington

    steve covington Well-Known Member

    Cleaning at home? Use mineral spirits and wire brush with industrial neoprene/ rubber gloves, A pressure washer with "purple stuff/ green meanie/ total awesome/ et al, then use lacquer thinner on everything. Wipe down machined surfaces with WD-40, or some anti-rust film coating... (Try cosmoline; I hear it works great. LOL)

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