A/c Not Working

Discussion in 'The Big Chill' started by Lesabre350, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Lesabre350

    Lesabre350 Buick 350 Muscle

    just bought a fan belt for my compressor had the car for 5 years and bought it without a belt ont he ac compressor seattle is up in the 90's this week and i need to cool down..78 buick lesabre custom with the 350 4 barrel..

    today bought a belt put it on started the car and turned on the a/c it blew hot air (i was hoping it would blow cold) the pulley was turning but the other part turned slowing for a minute then stopped does that mean my compressor is bad?
  2. 1967GS340

    1967GS340 Well-Known Member

    I feel for you. Suppose to hit 101 up there tomorrow.
    My AC quit working at the house too. It was 100 in Raymond today!!!!
    Humidity is through the roof.
  3. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    Either the compressor is locked up or the clutch is slipping. Most likely the compressor.
  4. Lesabre350

    Lesabre350 Buick 350 Muscle

    so i'm pretty much out of luck unless i spend hundreds of dollars on a new compressor then
  5. lsrx101

    lsrx101 Well-Known Member

    Don't give up just yet.
    Get a set of gauges and hook them up, you can likely rent them from Auto Zone.
    You need the system pressures to get an idea of what's going on. It could be as simple as a bad fan clutch letting the high side p[ressure go too high and causing the clutch to slip.
    Turn the compressor clutch by hand. It should turn freely with no binding or rough spots. If so, it's a good sign.
  6. Golden Oldie 65

    Golden Oldie 65 Well-Known Member

    I hope you'll forgive me for not feeling sorry for you. You're describing our whole summer down here :rant:


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