87 GN for sale - 180 Miles!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Yardley, Nov 11, 2002.

  1. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

  2. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Those wheels take so much away from the car's appearance. The first thing I would do in take them off and put them back on ebay. :grin:
  3. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    AHHH, That new car smell. :)
    I'm surprised that there weren't more bids.
  4. brblx

    brblx clueless

    why does the lighter part of the interior look dirty?:Do No:

    is that just how they came out?
  5. tim87tr

    tim87tr Maximum Torque

    It's not the lowest mile one. I met a guy at Norwalk and BG who had a 44 mile one. It spends all its life in a garage and on a car trailer going to shows. He wants $29k for it! I told him he needs to drive it more :Brow: You don't have to use it as a daily driver, but at least take it out on some nice days. I would have no reservations about taking a stand on the throttle :eek2: :grin:
  6. Gold72GS

    Gold72GS Wheelman

    I think it is just the way the grain of the velour is brushed on the seat. I would LOVE to have that car but there is no way I could come up with the cash that it will probably take to buy it.:( Brian

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