77 engine color

Discussion in 'Buick FAQ' started by fishnic, Aug 15, 2003.

  1. fishnic

    fishnic New Member

    Does anyone know what the engine color should be for a 77 regal 350?
  2. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest

    It should be a light blue, almost baby blue, in color if it has a Buick 350.

  3. fishnic

    fishnic New Member

    any websites avail with this info
  4. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest

    The correct name for the color is General Motors Corporate Blue. When mother GM decided to go with "corporate" engines (Chevy's in Oldsmobiles, etc) they also decided to use one color of paint on all the engines, hence no more Buick Red, Olds gold, Chevy orange, etc. Duplicolor's web site has GM Corporate Blue listed and shows a sample of it, but it is a poor representation of the color. Their web page is: http://www.duplicolor.com/ .

    As an aside, GM a few years later changed the color of their engines to black, mainly to hide oil leaks. The corporate blue color caused a minor leak to look like a gusher!
  5. fishnic

    fishnic New Member

    thank-you, i see a general motors blue..... is this the corporate blue you speak of?
  6. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest

    Yep, sure is.
  7. fishnic

    fishnic New Member

    my auto mechanic has buick blue, think this will represent it properly?
  8. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest

    Buick used a blue/green aqua color on most of their nailhead engines back in the 50's and 60's. It is not the correct color for a 77 engine. I don't know what color your mechanic has. The GM corporate blue is much lighter than the aqua blue used on the earlier engines and is correct for your car.

  9. Phil Racicot

    Phil Racicot Well-Known Member

    I am also searching for the correct paint for my 1975 455 but I haven't found it yet. Unlike 1977's, it is a darker and metallic blue.
    My valve covers are rusting and I would appreciate help in finding this color.
    Brad, does your 1975 Skyhawk has this metallic blue on it's V6?
    I am wondering when the switch from the metallic blue was made to the corporate blue?
    My former 1976 Electra's 455 was painted GM blue but it was a very late production car and it is also possible that it was repainted with the wrong color.
    The intake was painted silver on that car... I'm not sure it came like that from the factory:puzzled:
  10. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest


    Yes, my Skyhawk does have the metallic blue that you mentioned. My original 75 Skyhawk, one that I bought new in July of 1975, was also the metallic blue. Seems that the metallic blue was a one year only color. I do not know of anybody making the paint that both you and I need :( .

    I believe the switch to the "GM" blue began with the 1976 models. Of course, there could have been some very early 76 models with the 75 color, but I have never seen one. It's just a possibility.

    The silver intake is incorrect...somebody's been there before you.
  11. Phil Racicot

    Phil Racicot Well-Known Member

    At least we are two looking for it... I was wondering if I was the only one!

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