70 Skylark project

Discussion in 'Members Rides' started by WickedWay, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. WickedWay

    WickedWay Got Torque?

    Might as well add in my own project. It's a 1970 Skylark with a 350-2. Runs great, but doesnt seem to be the origional motor (no numbers on the block.) Exterior has two minor dings from before I bought the car. Both on the passenger side, one small crimple in the quarterpanel side ridge behing the wheel well, and one in the front fender where the chrome mounts at the edge. Nothing major, tho I have allready replaced the trunk pan. Looked like swiss cheese.

    It went into the paintshop today, so I'll post pictures of it's progress over the next couple weeks. Current body pictures attached, along with the paint scheme I chose. I love video games, gives you all sorts of ideas for eye catchers.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2007
  2. carmantx

    carmantx Never Surrender

    Not too far from you in West Texas. Is there a paint shop in Spur? or where are you getting the paint done. Our 72 is getting ready for the paint. Put some after pics when the paint is done.
  3. WickedWay

    WickedWay Got Torque?

    There's not an actual paint shop here, but Jamie Adams does a hell of a job. Should see the Mustangs in his shop. ;)

    I think you'd like the price he's doing it for too. $2,200. That includes: Sanding it down to the bare metal and replacing rusted through spots with new metal, replacing the entire radiator support with one I bought here, mounting a scoop I bought for it, and the custom paint job. Primer and everything. Hell of a deal, considering most paint shops quoted me $4,000 just for a basic silver paint job with bondo work. He just likes doing it, and seems pretty excited about it.

    Almost forgot, he quoted me an extra $500 to replace the complete floor pan with a new one, and paint it too. Going to have him go ahead and do it once I get the pan.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2007
  4. WickedWay

    WickedWay Got Torque?

    I'm happy. Dropped by the paint shop today, and the car is stripped to the bare metal. Not nearly as many problem areas as I was expecting, with the vast majority of the body being straight and smooth with no bondo. A shame I didnt bring the digital camera when I went into town, will try and get some pictures tomorrow morning. I did however drop off a disposable camera so he can document the body and paint work, so to speak.

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