70 GS Bucket Seats

Discussion in 'Interior City' started by philip, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. philip

    philip Well-Known Member

    I recently purchased Legendary seat covers for my 70 GS. The original seat covers were in fairly good shape with one slight tear in each bucket seat. The seat foam cushion and springs seem to be in good shape since there does not appear to be any significant sagging.

    However, I want to replace the foam cushion and called YearOne and learned that they do not have the foam seats tailored to the Buick bucket. Does anyone know where I can buy the correct fitting foam?

  2. 70gsrick

    70gsrick 1 of 66

    I'm not 100% sure but OPG had to different foams listed. I thought legendary had the proper foams also.
  3. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    many moons ago, someone asked the same question about replacing the seat foam and one of the fellows on this site who upholsters car seats stated that if the foam was not garbage, that a good upholsterer could use the old seat foam + other materials to support the foam & make it function like new .
    i had ti replace my old seat foam & could only find the double-slotted seat foam which is really for older style buckets.
  4. Duane

    Duane Member

    That guy would have been me (one of the fellows on this site who upholsters car seats)

    For years I owned/ran Classic Car Interiors and always tried to use the original seat foams whenever possible. I do not like reproduction seat cushions.

    MARC SCHIFF Well-Known Member

    seat foams

    try postons--one of the only things worth buying there

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